So I’m at a bothersome “what next?” juncture in my ceaseless cycle of hamster juggling.
I’ve just finished (*crossed fingers*) one story and gotten caught up with many of the outstanding tasks and correspondences which built up due to Dragon*Con. But I’m so not at leisure to twiddle my thumbs; there remain several fairly major tasks glaring at me in my “to-do” list, including the wistful hem of my languishing novel-in-progress, another couple short stories for anthologies I’ve been invited to submit to, and various and sundry writing-related projects. But I’m undecided as to which one to pick up next. And worse, I’ve got an insidious urge to procrastinate.
Sigh. When I’ve got too many items flying at me to possibly stay on top of, I don’t have to pep-talk myself into getting stuff done. I’m perpetually in full-speed-ahead triage mode. I need every minute to be productive just to avoid being overrun by a stampede of hamsters. But that’s a recipe for nervous breakdown and burnout . . . and nippy hamsters.
There’s gotta be a happy medium, dammit.

Writing Stuff
Publishers Weekly reviewed So Fey in their 9/17 issue:
“Despite its provocative title and aggressive opening vignette, sex and sexuality fade into the background of Berman’s quiet compilation of fantasy tales . . . Most tales also feature classic Shakespearean or Celtic-inspired faerie folk, though Eugie Foster’s ‘Year of the Fox’ and Craig Laurance Gidney’s ‘A Bird of Ice’ draw effectively on Asian motifs . . . this anthology is wholly readable and likely to engage general readers as well as its target audience.”
Not too shabby, all in all. And I’m tickled that my story got a mention, even if it’s only to say that it “draws effectively on Asian motifs.”
– Payment from Hasbro (!) for “Princess Bufo marinus, I Call Her Amy” in Magic in the Mirrorstone. Me likie payment on acceptance.
– My contrib. copy of Heroes In Training. This anthology marks another writerly milestone, my first appearance in a mass market paperback, as well as the achievement of one of my first writing goals, to be published in a DAW anthology. Much wooting and book petting.
Hamster juggling?
Aren’t you concerned about running a fowl of PETA?
Re: Hamster juggling?
Is a fowl of PETA like a murder of crows? Because that would be awesome.
Congratulations on the sales, and especially showing up in a DAW anthology!
Re: Hamster juggling?
Thanks, sweetie! I’m uber jazzed. Also, owitch. I think that pun’s going to leave a scar . . .
Re: Hamster juggling?
*gurgle* Lethal pun. Dying now. *flump*
Re: Hamster juggling?
Sorry. That was a big bird pun, wasn’t it?
Payment is good. I had no idea the checks went out.
Hurray for nice surprises!
my advice would be to take a few moments, jot down a list of things that you need to get done (possibly in order of priority) and start knocking them off one by one. that helps me seeing it on paper.
in fact i probably need to take my own advice.
Yep, yep. I’ve got a running “to-do” list. It’s standard operating procedure for me; I’d forget too many things otherwise. The problem is that it overfloweth with “urgent” and “high priority” items that I must pick and choose from.
You get working on that novel, missy. 😉
Keep up the great work!
Thanks for posting the Publishers Weekly review of So Fey. It’s so cool to get name-checked!
(Craig Laurance Gidney)
“And worse, I’ve got an insidious urge to procrastinate.”
Sometimes a little procrastination is a good thing. Especially when you need a break. You’re not a machine you know.
Hi, I just read “Returning My Sister’s Face” in Best New Fantasy and wanted to thank you for bringing a folktale I’d never heard of, to life.Also for drawing effectively on Asian motifs 🙂 I hope it’s not rude to mention I didn’t realize you were Chinese like me – from your bio and surname I assumed you were white. Especially since so many fantasy writers seem to be. Anyway, I thought your story was beautiful – thank you for writing.
I’m always delighted to hear from folks who’ve read and like my work! I’m so glad you enjoyed “Returning My Sister’s Face” and thanks for swinging by and dropping me a comment!