“All in My Mind” in Hitting the Skids in Pixeltown: The Phobos Science Fiction Anthology, Volume 2, Orson Scott Card, Keith Olexa, Christian O’Toole (eds.), Phobos Books, 2003.
Hitting the Skids in Pixeltown…a showcase of new writers, it’s impressive, and I’ll certainly look to see more from these folks.
—Rich Horton, Locus
Hitting the Skids in Pixeltown is a collection of stories by winners of the Phobos contest for short fiction…Best was a story by the fine new writer David D. Levine, “Ukaliq and the Great Hunt”, American Indian legends transposed to a new world. Also worth noting were stories by Eugie Foster, Carl Frederick, and Paul Pence.
—Rich Horton, Speculative Literature Foundation
Mind-expanding quality stories, supplemented with a new feature “The Coldest Place” by jury member Larry Niven, make for a rewarding immersion in other-worldly tale-telling. Hitting The Skids In Pixeltown is enthusiastically recommended to every dedicated fan of science fiction.
—James A. Cox, Midwest Book Review
“Beautiful Summer” in Killers, Colin Harvey (ed.), Swimming Kangaroo Books, 2008.
Killers was a finalist in the 2nd Annual Black Quill Awards (2008) in the category of “Best Dark Genre Fiction Collection.”
“Beautiful Summer” received an Honorable Mention in The Best Horror of the Year: Volume One, edited by Ellen Datlow.
Foster displays strengths for poetic writing, elegiac imagery, and evocative scenes, which all work to positive effect here, suited to the subtleties of a layered narration.
—Alvaro Zinos-Amaro, The Fix
“Beautiful Summer” by Eugie Foster takes on the obsessive ownership engendered by gazing upon extraordinary beauty—the first person narration is perfectly rational which makes the ending all the more startling.
—Karen Burnham, Spiral Galaxy Reviewing Laboratory
“Beautiful Winter” in the first annual InterGalactic Awards Anthology, Spotlight Publishing, 2012. |
“Beneath the Silent Bell, the Autumn Sky Turns to Spring” in Human for a Day, Jennifer Brozek and Martin H. Greenberg (eds.), DAW Books, 2011. |
“Biba Jibun” in The Book of Apex: Volume 3 of Apex Magazine, Catherynne M. Valente (ed.), Apex Publications, 2012. |
“Black Swan, White Swan” in End of an Aeon, Marti and Bridget McKenna (eds.), Fairwood Press, 2011. |
“Body and Soul Art” (reprint) in The Best of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine: Horror, Tehani Wessely (ed.), June 2007. |
“The Bunny of Vengeance and the Bear of Death” in Women Writing the Weird, Deb Hoag (ed.), Dog Horn Publishing, 2012. |
“Caesar’s Ghost” in Revenant, Armand Rosamilia (ed.), Carnifex Press, 2005. |
“Gifts Not Asked For” (reprint) in Bardic Tales and Sage Advice, Vol. II, Julie Ann Dawson (ed.), Bards and Sages Publishing, 2010. |
“Honor is a Game Mortals Play” in Heroes in Training, Jim C. Hines and Martin H. Greenberg (eds.), DAW Books, Sept. 2007.
a wonderful little adventure with treachery, vengeance and romance rolled into an unusual setting (sort of a cross between the Asian culture and mythology) with lots of action. I’ve read and enjoyed Foster’s stuff before, and this is one of her best
In many of her stories, Foster writes about characters whose stubborn, cruel interpretations of events suddenly change when they begin to feel affection or sympathy for others…With prose that often hits grace notes of beauty or poignancy, Foster uses her favorite theme to illustrate the flip sides of fear and desire and the ways in which a character’s own heart can often be the greatest obstacle to face.
—Elizabeth A. Allen, The Fix
“Inspirations End” in Erotic Fantasy: Tales of the Paranormal, Justus Roux (ed.), Erotictales publications, 2004.
“An Interesting Week for Emmy” (reprint) in Voices for the Cure, James Palmer (ed.), White Rocket Books, 2007. A charity anthology to benefit the American Diabetes Association.
Foster’s writing is fun and breezy, with a style that matches the content of the story perfectly. We find ourselves easily able to sympathize with Emmy, and the ending is satisfying.
—Jessica E. Kaiser, The Fix
“Li T’ien and the Dragon Nian” (reprint) in Black Dragon, White Dragon, Rob Santa (ed.), Ricasso Press, Dec. 2008.
This is an excellent retelling of a traditional tale. Foster makes the characters interesting, keeps it simple, and keeps the pace while providing concrete details.
—John Ottinger III, The Fix
“The Life and Times of Penguin” (reprint) in Triangulation: Taking Flight, Pete Butler (ed.), PARSEC Ink, July 2008.
The final story ‘Life And Time Of Penguin’ by Eugie Foster about self-aware toys in the hands of a destructive child is both touching and uplifting
—Geoff Willmetts, SF Crowsnest
Told from the point of view of a balloon animal penguin, the toy’s brief but eventful life manages to jam in enough existential angst to give Kierkegaard indigestion, an astonishing emotional depth, and yet fully embrace the essentially absurd nature of [Eugie Foster’s] story.
—Martin McGrath, The Fix
My particular favourite out of the collection is The Life and Times of Penguin by Eugie Foster, which is about self-aware toys living under the regime of a destructive child.
—Charles Packer, Sci-Fi Online
“A Little Soul Music” in In the Outposts of Beyond, Tyree Campbell (ed.), Sam’s Dot Publishing, 2003; and Writers for Relief: An Anthology to Benefit the Survivors of Katrina (reprint), Davey Beauchamp (ed.), 2005.
Read enough anthologies in a row and pretty soon the stories all seem the same in your memory. The ones that stand out are the ones you mention when suggesting to a friend they read it. If I were to tell one of my friends to read In the Outposts of Beyond, I’d mention Ralan Conley’s “The Walking Man” or Eugie Foster’s “A Little Soul Music.”
—C. Dennis Moore, epinions.com
“Living with a Shoulder Monster” (reprint) in Aberrant Dreams I: The Awakening, HD-Image (forthcoming). |
“Mistress Fortune Favors the Unlucky” in Bash Down the Door and Slice Open the Badguy, William H. Horner III (ed.), Fantasist Enterprises, May 2007. |
“Mortal Clay, Stone Heart” in The Dragon and the Stars, Derwin Mak and Eric Choi (eds.), DAW Books, 2010.
The Dragon and the Stars won the 2011 Aurora Award in the category of “Best English Related Work.”
[T]he fact that all the stories draw upon “the rich cultural heritage of China” to tell stories of the fantastic makes it interesting, and gives us some milieus not commonly used, making almost all the stories worth reading…The best stories here are by Tony Pi, Emily Mah, Brenda Clough, Eugie Foster, Shelly Li, and Eric Choi
–Gardner Dozois, Locus
“A Nose for Magic” in The Pagan Anthology of Short Fiction: 13 Prize Winning Tales, Llewellyn Publications, Oct. 2008. |
“Nothing of Me” in Aegri Somnia, Jason Sizemore (ed.), Apex Publications, Dec. 2006.
Aegri Somnia was a finalist of the 2006 Bram Stoker Awards in the “Superior Achievement in an Anthology” category.
Based on the myth of pitiable monster Scylla, the story reimagines the timeless story of Beauty and the Beast to make modern and poignant observations on the ugliness of self-hatred. Foster’s sure, restrained prose gives this one quiet power.
—Elizabeth A. Allen, Tangent
“Oranges, Lemons, and Thou Beside Me” (reprint) in Apex Digest Best of 2005, Jason Sizemore (ed.), Apex Publications, 2006; and When the Villain Comes Home, Gabrielle Harbowy and Ed Greenwood (eds.), Dragon Moon Press, 2012.
“A Parade of Taylups” (reprint) in Aberrant Dreams I: The Awakening, HD-Image (forthcoming). |
“A Patch of Jewels in the Sky” in Triangulation: End of the Rainbow, Bill Moran (ed.), PARSEC Ink, 2010. |
“Perfidious Beauty” in Embark to Madness, C. Dennis Moore and Richard Lee (eds.), Coscom Entertainment, 2005. |
“Princess Bufo marinus, Also Known as Amy” in Magic in the Mirrorstone, Steve Berman (ed.), Mirrorstone Books, Feb. 2008.
The bookend stories are among the most fun. [Magic in the Mirrorstone] opens light—and quite funny—with Eugie Foster’s “Princess Bufo marinus, also known as Amy,” about a high school kid who discovers a frog princess.
—Rich Horton, Fantasy Magazine
I highly enjoy modern fairy-tales, and this book is one of the reasons why. My favorite story, ‘Princess Bufo Marinus, also known as Amy’ puts a spin on the tale of the frog prince
“The Reign of the Wintergod” in The Asylum Volume 3: The Quiet Ward, Victor Heck (ed.), Prime Books, 2003. |
“Returning My Sister’s Face” (reprint) in Best New Fantasy, Sean Wallace (ed.), Prime Books, Nov. 2006.
*Starred Review*
Wallace also showcases newcomers with stories that indicate abundant promise: Yoon Ha Lee’s mystical fable, “Eating Hearts”; M. Rickert’s homage to Stephen King, “A Very Little Madness Goes a Long Way”; and Eugie Foster’s haunting “Returning My Sister’s Face,” a retelling of a Japanese Edo tale.
—Publishers Weekly

“Running on Two Legs” (reprint) in The Fleas They Carried: Animal Aid Anthology, a charity anthology to benefit animal shelters and rescue groups that have been hit hardest by environmental disasters, J.K.Richárd (ed.), Bad Pony Press, May 2009; and Writers for Relief 2, a charity anthology to benefit the Bay Area Food Bank, Davey Beauchamp (ed.), Dragon Moon Press, Sept. 2008.
“Sins of the Mother” and “The Wiggly People” in Thou Shalt Not, Lee A. Howard (ed.), Dark Cloud Press, Fall 2006. |

“Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast” in the British Science Fiction Association 2009 Awards booklet (reprint), 2010; Ténèbres (French reprint), M. Benoît Domis (ed.), 2010; and Nebula Awards Showcase 2011, Kevin J. Anderson (ed.), Tor Books, 2011.
Winner of the 2009 Nebula Award for Best Novelette and nominated for the 2010 Hugo Award for Best Novelette, the WSFA Small Press Award, and the 2009 BSFA Award in the Short Story category.
This far future science fiction tale is an exploration of self identity and the masks we all wear in public…a beautifully written and fast-paced tale
—Jason Sanford (Story Recommendation of the Week, 1/19/2009)
Click to see more
“Souls of Living Wood” in Modern Magic: Dark Tales of Fantasy, William H. Horner III (ed.), Fantasist Enterprises, 2006.
Foster juggles the hilarious personalities of the obstreperous customers well with the genteel voice of the house in a story that’s surprisingly gentle
—Elizabeth A. Allen, Tangent
wow, this was a terrific story…It’s ideas like this that draw me to science fiction and fantasy… Even better, Eugie takes this original idea and builds a terrific, moving story around it. Sometimes, great ideas get stuck in stories that don’t live up to their promise, but Eugie follows through with lovely writing, a captivating plot, and strong performances from the other characters in the story, all of whom come to life with an amazing economy of words.
—James Maxey, Phobos Award Winner, author of Nobody Gets the Girl
“The Tears of My Mother, the Shell of My Father” in Japanese Dreams, Sean Wallace (ed.), Lethe Press, Aug. 2009. |
“Trixie and the Pandas of Dread” in The Book of Apex: Volume Four of Apex Magazine, Lynne M. Thomas (ed.), Apex Book Company, 2013.
This one would have made my best-of list, hands down…Trixie is the goddess you’ve always wished existed–she exists purely to smite the @$$holes of the world…This story is pretty offensive on every front, but I have to confess that I loved it anyway. (*****)
— Confessions of a Bibliomaniac…
Eugie Foster’s “Trixie and the Pandas of Dread” is so great. It’s about a god who smites using a Karmic Retribution app. That’s only on the first page. She’s Trixie, Scourge of Assholes, God of Smiting. That whole story is awesome.
— Joe Crowe, Revolutions SF
I laughed so hard at this one. A vengeful god, a self-doubting god, a god with farting pandas.
— Just Book Reading
Top of the list has to be Eugie Foster’s “Trixie and the Pandas of Dread.” Yes, friends. This story lives up to that title. It’s hilarious and smart, and OMG, the pandas!
— M. Fenn
“Tried as an Adult” in Strange Bedfellows, Hayden Trenholm (ed.), Bundoran Press, 2014.
Eugie Foster is a nebula-award winning author who creates a futuristic rights-deprived Atlanta in “Tried As An Adult,” and shows how criminal society have adapted strategies to deal with juvenile penal law…The story is powerful and horrifying and unfortunately, tells us a whole lot about society, crime, social media and how we govern ourselves.
— Derek Kunsken, Black Gate
Foster’s story is not about evading the law, but what you do when you’re in the clutches of an abjectly abusive system.
— Charlotte Ashley, Apex Magazine
In Strange Bedfellows, I found myself wanting to give stories like Tried as an Adult, by Eugie Foster, scores way above the maximum. That story absorbed me and kept me reading…It is stories like this that make science fiction so appealing and yet disturbing at the same time: they highlight the dark aspects of human nature, always within the context of fiction, and leave you to make an introspective analysis of yourself and society to see if such an unconceivable atrocious alternate reality could come true at some point.
— Sylvia, Jetpack Dragons
“Whatever Skin You Wear” in Solaris Rising 2, Ian Whates (ed.), Solaris Books, 2013.
Solaris Rising 2 is a finalist for the 2014 Philip K. Dick Award.
a heartwarming tale of love offset by society’s obsession with beauty.
—Theresa Derwin, Sci-Fi Bulletin
A neat story from Foster. She takes us only a few years into the future, when the real world is seen and experienced through the filter of technology, people and places made to look, and feel, quite different – giving the individual to appear to others exactly as they wish.
—Mark Watson, Best SF
Eugie Foster’s “Whatever Skin You Wear” is one of the most intriguing of the anthology, set in a world where RL (real life) is completely superimposed by LivIT
—Alexandra Pierce, Strange Horizons
“The Wizard of Eternal Watch” in Sages & Swords, Daniel E. Blackston (ed.), Pitch-Black Books, 2006; Best New Romantic Fantasy 2 (reprint), Paula Guran (ed.), Juno Books, 2007.
“Year of the Fox” in So Fey: Queer Fairy Fiction, Steve Berman (ed.), Haworth Press, Sept. 2007 (1st ed. out of print), reprinted by Lethe Press, 2009.
Received an Honorable Mention in The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2008: 21st Annual Collection, edited by Ellen Datlow, Gavin Grant, and Kelly Link.
Favorite stories included Holly Black’s heartbreaking “The Coat of Stars” and Eugie Foster’s “Year of the Fox”
—The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2008: 21st Annual Collection
Despite its provocative title and aggressive opening vignette, sex and sexuality fade into the background of Berman’s quiet compilation of fantasy tales… Most tales also feature classic Shakespearean or Celtic-inspired faerie folk, though Eugie Foster’s “Year of the Fox” and Craig Laurance Gidney’s “A Bird of Ice” draw effectively on Asian motifs… this anthology is wholly readable and likely to engage general readers as well as its target audience.
—Publishers Weekly
Story after story, Foster achieves a delicate balance between high drama, passionate love, and poignant twists…Foster’s sensuous descriptions and philosophical framework respect the Chinese setting without exoticizing it.
—Elizabeth A. Allen, The Fix