Doubled my dose of Clonazepam last night, as well as took it a little later than I usually do, resulting in a light-headed, woozy feeling for most of the day today. Man, it’s hard to shake the lingering side effects of that, even after slamming a whole pot of green tea. Had weird dreams too, but I can’t remember any of them aside from fleeting flashes of surreal imagery.
I do remember that Hobkin fell asleep on my chest with his head burrowed under my chin, and I woke briefly in the night when he stuck his nose in my ear. Repositioning occurred, as a whiskered skunk nose in one’s ear is ticklish and not conducive to sleep.
Also, my wing stubs hurt less. Although I’m not sure if that’s because of the bigger dose, more sleep, or the disassociated feeling I have at my extremities.
Received two more boxes of movie promo for Matthew’s Inde Film track. These ones seem to contain posters of the forthcoming Blade III movie–Wesley Snipes looking all sexy and vampy. I hope that’s the end of the deluge of promos. We’re running out of space in our dining room.

Writing Stuff:
– Mailed off the letter to my Spider editor approving her edits of “The Tax Collector’s Cow.” Also asked whether she knew if the story would be slated for Spider or Cricket. Really, I think that story is better aimed at a younger, Spider, audience, but hey, I’m just the writer

– My review of this week’s Sci-Fiction story, “Beautiful Stuff” by Susan Palwick is up at Tangent. Seems that ye olde editor is back in the swing of things. Rah.
– 1000 words on the SF story. It progresses. I realized I was lacking some essential data, so I did several hours of research on autism and autistic savants. Fascinating. Utterly fascinating. I miss my Psychology days. *sniff*
– Also saw on the Speculations Rumor Mill a post from the editor of Futurismic:
“As of yesterday, all replies have been sent out–with the exception of a number of stories I’m holding for further consideration. So, provided cyberspace did not eat your submission, if you haven’t heard from us yet that means we’re still considering your story. We expect to make our final selections before the end of the month.”
Assuming no Internet gremlins, I made the second round! Hurray! Fretting and nail biting galore.
Commentary (of course!)
Re: wing stubs.
Is it time to see the doctor again? I’m not familiar with your situ, so if this is chronic, I’ll shut up right now.
RE: review and Tangent.
RE: second round.
Yeah! Happy dance sent your way. Did you want the stripper in jockey shorts or the dancing skunk? 😉
Re: Commentary (of course!)
“Is it time to see the doctor again?“
Nope. I’ve seen a slew of them. There’s not much else they can do for me for my TOS. As long as I can manage the pain, I’m pretty much at the limit of my current options. The next step is surgery, and I don’t wanna. On a positive note, the pain’s been better these last couple days.
“Did you want the stripper in jockey shorts or the dancing skunk? 😉“
Hmm. I’ll take the stripper without jockey shorts. Otherwise, the dancing skunk will be fine