Friday, I got my first taste of editing a 32-page city charter. Oof. elemess informs me that we can look forward to around a dozen or so of them a session. Did I menion “oof”? But, as much as my eyes crossed and my brain twitched, still better than being an IT cubicle monkey.
fosteronfilm and I started our first foray into Christmas shopping yesterday on the “getting a head start on the manic merriness this year” effort. Not much progress was made, but we discovered that there’s a new Teavana branch at North Points mall. Mmmm, tea. We ended up buying some for us. Yah, it’s what it’s about: shiny malls and consumeristic avarice.

Writing Stuff
– 30-day rewrite request from Intergalactic Medicine Show, of the “I want this, but can you make some changes?” variety. Pending final editorial approval and the cooperation of my muse, “Beauty’s Folly” should be in the Jan. 2007 issue. (Tentative) woohoo!
– 23-day nope from Clarkesworld Magazine.
– Note from Richard Freeborn, editor of Oceans of the Mind, letting me know that they’re ceasing publication. And another pro-paying SF market bites the dust. Damn.
New Words/Editing:
– 400 on the rewrite of “Beauty’s Folly” for IGMS. A bridging paragraph or two and some smoothing and polishing, and I think I’ve got this one bagged.
– 100 on the rewrite request for lynnejamneck‘s Supernatural Sleuths anthology. Tweaking, tweaking, and some ideas that I need to dwell on–the trick being how best to implement them to keep the “sleuth” part sleuthy rather than sledgehammery. Hmmm.
– “Of Two Minds in Lanais” reprinted in French in the Winter 2006 issue (#23) of Faeries. Thanks to lisamantchev for the heads up, as my French wasn’t up to the task. And also, we’re sharing a ToC!

A big congrats on the pending-revision sale of “Beauty’s Folly” to IGMS. I was just checking them out the other day; nice venue. But what a screaming pity that Oceans has folded! I loved their themes.
As to reading city charters, I not only used to read them, I used to write similar tomes (for something like 14 years). I advise you drink whatever it takes to keep you awake (some of that new holiday tea?) and ask people around you to be extra nice as otherwise you may bite their heads off out of pure boredom and a skewed need for adventure, any adventure.
Thanks, sweetie! And ye verily, there was much coffee downing as I was slogging through that charter on Friday. And I’m only about two-thirds of the way through my first pass. Something to look forward to on Monday
. I feel greatly for you salt-miner folks who have to write the things!
That’s a nice swift kick in the tender parts about Oceans of the Mind. I’m suddenly reminded of that scene from In the Mouth of Madness where Sam Neill’s locked up in the booby hatch and David Warner comes in to interview him: “Things’re turning to shit out there, aren’t they?”
That Faeries cover is schway, though. I recently checked out this Chinese sci-fi/fantasy ‘zine that was AMAZING looking. I really gotta take advantage of those international markets, man.
Your mention of Teavana has given me an idea of what to get bro and SIL for Christmas – a T2 sampler pack. The best kind of gift – can be ordered online and delivered to their door with minimum hassle.
Sounds like life is good! Congrats on the ‘hopeful’ sale.