Decided to move to a new host on Sunday for a bunch of reasons, including so I could have greater server-side control and so I wouldn’t have to use a domain mask anymore; each page now has its own URL.
For folks using my Children’s Markets Listing, you might want to update your bookmarks to: I’ve got a redirect from the previous address, but y’know, there it is.
There’s a lot of coordination involved with shunting a virtual thing from one cyberlocation to another. It reminded me a lot of a physical move–a process I absolutely abhor–with virtual parallels to packing, carting everything over to the new place, and then unpacking and deciding where everything should go. I didn’t have to fret over the burly guys in the moving trucks breaking or losing my stuff, but I did have a couple virtual “Agh! Where did I pack the can opener?” moments.
Packing–that is, informing my domain registrar of the new server locale, and sorting through/neatening up my files–went smoothly, but there was a slight holdup with the carting stuff over part. Actually, that went about as smoothly as a crocodile with a rash, resulting in mad scrambling and hair pulling. If anyone sent an email to me at my address on Sunday evening and I haven’t responded, you might want to resend it. There was a half hour to forty-five minute in there during which I fear some incoming emails may have been flung into a deep, dark cyber-oubliette.
After everything got properly relocated, as I was “unpacking,” I decided to do some structural tweaks. These “tweaks” sucked up all my attention yesterday and this morning, and they still aren’t done. However, I’ve got a backlog of writing/editing work that’s clamoring for my attention, and I’m having to back-burner it.
If you swing by my website, I hope you’ll excuse the mess. (Also, if folks not using IE as their web browser could let me know if there’s anything which looks really bizarre, that would be greatly appreciated.)

Writing Stuff
– Edits from Jason Sizemore on my Aegri Somnia story, “Nothing of Me.”
– Contract from Gisele LeBlanc for “A Patch of Jewels in the Sky.” It’s slated for publication in Dragonfly Spirit in June.
– 6-day rejection from new UK ‘zine, Forgotten Worlds, with invite to submit again. Strange wording/spelling snafu on the rejection made me do a double-take: “Thank you for your resent submission to Forgotten Worlds. We regret that it has been unsuccessful.” The misspelling of “recent” caused me to pause for a moment, wondering if they’d asked me to “resend” my story–and I had totally forgotten any such happenings–and through some electronic boo-boo, they hadn’t received it. But then I figured my memory’s not that fractured yet, and besides, how would they know it hadn’t been successful if they hadn’t received it? So yeah, it’s a rejection. Check.
A cursory click-through of all your pages showed nothing out of place. Congrats on the virtual move!
Hee. Thanks.
I’m a Firefox user, and all the pages looked good to me.
Thanks, by the way, for the market info. It’s been helpful, especially the pointer to Ralan’s.
Thanks for checking. And I’m glad you found my market lists useful!
Congratulations on the move. 🙂
I checked the site in Safari (Version 1.3.2):
It looks great!
Some minor browser issues:
Any time a ‘Buy Amazon’ button appears in the left-side links frame, it is cut off at the bottom. Pages affected: Bio, Workshops, Publishers, Market Links, Kids Markets (that last in frames on both sides). Changing the text size didn’t fix this problem.
On the publishers page, all text from Carnifex down is at least 1 point smaller than the text above.
On the Market Links page, the Ralan Conley’s Market List link is bold. (You may have done this on purpose….) Also, the Speculations link has space between it and the link above it.
Speaking strictly as someone who is colorblind, red text can be very difficult to read against a black or dark grey background. The disclaimer on the kids market page is a good example of something I can’t read without highlighting the text. It’s a very minor thing, but I thought it worth mentioning.
Otherwise, no problems!
If you need screenshots let me know.
Wow, thanks for the thorough run-down! Very much appreciated. And I think I’ve fixed all the issues you brought up . . . except for the red on black text, which is on my Things to Ponder Tomorrow list.
it looks wonderful. i’m going to be working on a basic writer/poet page for myself and i was wondering if you created the page or used help. i’m a bit torn because while i don’t want anything cookie cutter, but i also do not want to be laying out major moola.
in unlrelated news. i found a request for paranormal romance. i’m not sure if this is up your alley, but it is far closer to your normal word count than it is to mine ;).
“i was wondering if you created the page or used help.“
I’m the sole developer. I rather enjoy fiddling around with HTML/CSS and layout so I didn’t feel the need to go to outside help. Do you have any HTML knowledge? Web coding is pretty easy as far as such stuff goes.
“i found a request for paranormal romance. i’m not sure if this is up your alley, but it is far closer to your normal word count than it is to mine“
Thanks for the heads up. Alas, it’s pretty far from my normal word count too. Closer to a novel than poetry still does not make a novel . . .
color me impressed. i learned the hand coding a href etc stuffies back when it was shiny and new and found that the constant back and forth uploading and tweaking was very irritating to me and i really can’t do layout.
re: word count
so close, and still so far…
Hum, I did move from Yahoo ! to the space offered by my ISP provider, but I only had to move pure html and css style sheets, not more complicated thingies like you (my comprehension of things beyond html is a bit hazy at best). But even that move was enough of a mess already (I blame myself for not writing cleaner code). I hope you get everything fixed and running soon.
Thanks! Actually, my personal website is pretty simple. Tangent‘s is much more complicated. If it had to move hosts, I wouldn’t even know how to start going about that. The tricky part of the move was setting up the server side, and that’s because I’d never done it before. I think it’s mostly sorted out now. I think . . .
Checked with Galeon, Firefox, and Konqueror under Linux and everything looked good!
Cool. Thanks!
Congrats on the move to the new host!
And thanks for the link about kids’ markets. That should come in handy.
You’re welcome! I hope you find it of use.
Another “looks fine on Firefox” here. Thanks again for keeping up the Children’s markets list, BTW!
On the rejections, into each life some rain may fall. I see a check coming soon and some acceptances.