- Not a good day for pain management. I think I will flop on the couch today and feel sorry for myself. Yup, that's my plan #CopingWithCancer 12:33:56, 2013-10-25
- [Blog] Out in Time for Halloween – A Vampire Quintet: Five Sinister and Seductive Vampire Stories http://t.co/qyOke347rO 18:25:51, 2013-10-24
- Surgical biopsy done. Relatively painless. Now just waiting for the bleeding to stop before I can go home. #CopingWithCancer 11:03:08, 2013-10-24
- [Blog] Bone Marrow Biopsy, Echo Cardiogram, Flowers, and Unexpected Discharge…Because Insurance http://t.co/mmkQKEHtV4 20:35:01, 2013-10-23
- [Blog] Emory University Hospital Thumbs Up http://t.co/M2GuQF8PkO 14:12:56, 2013-10-23
- [Blog] Stupid Human Suit: Balancing Act of Lucidity and Pain http://t.co/7Sei4NE8Rt 10:58:08, 2013-10-22
- [Blog] Waiting: Winship Oncologist Appointment Tomorrow http://t.co/c62gCEItoW 06:51:11, 2013-10-21
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:: fires off another blast of Hang In There, Eugie ::
Just checking in, hope
, hugs, too. fumble fingers. It’s Monday!:-)
Many huggles… many gentle huggles…
would that we could suffer the pain in your place…
*hugs* Thanks, Scott, but I wouldn’t wish this on anyone I care about.
Huggles are the best, because they are hugs with snuggles. And we can do it from a distance, so we don’t bump you too hard.
Hang in there — we’re all rooting for you.