- Getting ready to head out to the third #DragonCon2013 volunteer staff meeting. T minus 46 days and counting! 13:29:31, 2013-07-14
- The stompy was AWESOME. You gotta see this. #PacificRim 16:33:47, 2013-07-13
- Heading out with @MatthewMFoster to catch a matinee of Pacific Rim. Stompy daikaiju mecha rah! 13:40:16, 2013-07-13
- An amazing young woman: "Let us pick up our books and our pens, they are the most powerful weapons"| Malala Yousafzai http://t.co/owaaFUEar1 19:30:57, 2013-07-12
- Sigh. Looks like the already craptacular GA state employee health care benefits are going to get even worse next year http://t.co/4zcNsDT2AS 08:20:50, 2013-07-11
- An awesome compilation (and not just 'cause of #83): 100 great science fiction stories by women http://t.co/t6WCA6NSEU via @ian_sales 20:57:31, 2013-07-10
- Glargh! Lost the link –> 20 Amazing True Facts About Introverts and Extroverts: http://t.co/fFOrAKJ4dc 12:32:25, 2013-07-10
- *pfft* Science!! –> RT @sargent: 20 amazing true facts about introverts and extroverts. It's science, so you know it's right…. in reply to Sargent 12:29:58, 2013-07-10
- Moment when you realize, barring a finger down throat, that your sleep-wake status for next 6 hours has been set in stone…for good or ill. 10:05:25, 2013-07-10
- MARTA train air-conditioning is apparently broken. SO not happy. #AtlantaSummer #AdventuresInCommuting 17:55:41, 2013-07-08
- [Blog] New Short Story Ebook: Biba Jibun: This week's new ebook is "Biba http://t.co/bLPSh2UR6u 07:53:15, 2013-07-08
- [Blog] Tweets for the Week of 07-01-2013: Tweets for 07-01-2013 to 07-07 http://t.co/CDwgQVvOR1 00:08:19, 2013-07-08
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