Summer sickies

Experiencing early AM insomnia. Blah.

I think fosteronfilm is coming down with a cold. We’ve been feeding him many zinc lozenges, and so far he hasn’t descended into the misery of sniffles and coughing, but he’s not well, the poor thing. We’ve also been taking the precaution of not letting him handle Hobkin’s food, because what we really don’t need is for everyone to start passing some summer bug around. Crossing my fingers that it doesn’t turn into a family-wide plague.

Hobkin’s also tearing around the house, demanding his breakfast. Probably just as glad I woke up on my own or he would’ve gotten me up.

Writing Stuff

After going through all the Critters suggestions and reading through my current draft of the folk tale, I felt a great wave of despair. So much to do! I could not possibly be up to the task. Realizing I wasn’t in a productive head space, I took a break. There was much iced coffee, and we baked a cherry pie for dessert. I hugged husband and skunk, and lo, the magic of caffeine and huggins made the world all better. I hammered out a big ole rewrite, addressing every point I was concerned about, did a final hard copy editing pass, and stuck a fork into it, well pleased with my efforts. Packaged up my submissions package and am going to swing by the post office (and bank) this morning before closing time. Fly little folk tale!

New words: Editing/rewriting. Many, many passes.

Club 100 For Writers

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2 Responses to Summer sickies

  1. keesa_renee says:

    Oh, no! I hope he feels better soon. Zinc always seems to help me; and, of course, plenty of vitamin C for both of you!

    But congratulations on the edits! May it find love and acceptance wherever it goes.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      So far Matthew’s holding steady, but not getting better either. Sigh.

      But congratulations on the edits! May it find love and acceptance wherever it goes.

      Thank you! *crossing fingers*

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