Table of Contents:
- Tried as an Adult by Eugie Foster
- Candidate Z by Conor Powers-Smith
- When This Peace Thing Blows Over by John Skylar
- Occupy Asteroid by Trevor Shikaze
- The Afternoon Revolution by Erica L. Satifka
- Three Years of Ash, Twenty Years of Dust by Andrew Barton
- The Shapes of Wrath by Ian Creasey
- Gloop by Gustavo Bondoni
- Homebody by Richard Harland
- Capital Punishment by f. f. white
- Entangled States by Jay Werkheiser
- In Place of Darkness by Elinor Caiman Sands
- Blocking by Juliet Kemp
- Point of Ascension by D. A. D’Amico
- Changing Body Templates by Bogi Takács
- Elayen by Alter Reiss
- Why Lily Left by Katherine Sparrow
- Amateur Night at the GlobalMart by Craig DeLancey
Congratulations! The anthology looks fabulous.
Am reading this anthology right now. Really enjoyed your story! Chilling. Whole book is good so far.