Rachel Swirsky (velourmane) dropped me an email asking for input on the topic of “How to Deal with Sexism and Racism in a Workshop Environment” for an article she’s putting together. I think it’s a very relevant and interesting topic, one that I don’t recall seeing addressed before. I sent her my $.02 over the weekend, and I’m looking forward to reading her article.

Writing Stuff
New Words:
– 850 words on “White Rabbit” (working title). (4491/5500)
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. My muse, she is a sleazy crack whore. This story has a strict word count limit, and musie-poo is all “ooo, let’s add in another scene here, or flesh out this bit of character here.” And when I rein her in, she pouts. Then getting anything out of her is like trying to herd hamsters on speed. @#%^%!
Not a happy writer, me.