Today is going to be all about the chemicals versus the pain. Thus far, I have downed: 1 20 MG Adderall XR capsule, 2 Sudafeds, 2 Extra Strength Tylenols, and 1 pot of green tea. Hoping that the wracking headache and drooping sense of fatigue lift shortly. I think it must be something about the turning of the season. I seem to remember having similar headaches at this time last year. Unhappy sinuses, maybe? Or maybe it’s the little man with the iron club inside my skull. Ow.
Also, to my great distress (and near myocardial infarction), the smoke alarm went off a little while ago–the one right outside the library door where I’m working. Very double not good on nerves or for headaches. I’m still rather baffled as to what set it off, as well as what prompted it to cease its ear-shattering wails. I’m thinking it was a mischievous fey or ghostie. Or perhaps it was the cinnamon in my cream of wheat.
My brain hurts.

Writing Stuff
reddherring1955 put together three fantastic writerly “Ten Reasons” lists: “Ten Reasons Why I Write,” “Ten Negative Things I Have Learned (Mostly About Myself) from Writing Fiction,” and “Ten Positive Things I Have Learned from Writing Fiction.” I’d link to them, except the big chicken has friends-locked that post (

Edit: reddherring1955 unlocked her post! Therefore, I give you listie goodness.
– My contrib. copies of April’s Cricket with my story “The King of Rabbits and Moon Lake” in it. Cricket always puts out a gorgeous publication, and this is no exception. My story has three illustrations in it (by Patrick Gannon), and I spent a chunk of yesterday afternoon squeeing over them. Actually, and I’m a little embarrassed admitting this, but every time I read “The King of Rabbits and Moon Lake,” I get teary-eyed. I feel particularly foolish when my own stories make me cry–the realization that my writing brain is manipulating the rest of me, or something–and in this case I’m weepy and sniffling like a ninny over a tale of bunnies and elephants. Still, red-rimmed eyes notwithstanding, it’s those stories that tug at my emotions that I end up loving the most. I’m so glad this one found such a good home.
– 137-day pass from Cicada. Alas, it wasn’t a good fit, falling between what they’re seeking for either Cicada or Cricket. But I also found out that my Cricket/Cicada editor is also a fan of Doctor Who, which is just way cool.
– 3-day email from the assistant editor of Baen’s Universe letting me know she’s passing my story up the line for consideration by Eric Flint. Crossing my fingers. A lot.
Unlocked writerly lists
Ah, you mentioned my lists. So I unlocked the post in case anyone else has an interest. I really think this exercise is best when you do it for yourself. Since reading your “Ten Things I’ve Learned from Writing Finction,” I’ve had quite a burst of energy after I took the trouble to expand the topic and compose my own lists.
Sorry the little man with the mallet is back. Maybe the chemical bath will melt him away like the W3.
I will have to pick up the Cricket with the story that makes you cry. That happens with me all the time; makes readings tough. And good luck with Eric Flint. When I have heard him at conventions, he impressed me with his knowledge and love of the genre. I bet he will also love your story!
Re: Unlocked writerly lists
I was just teasing, y’know, sweetie. But I’m glad you opened it up for other writers to see and grok along with.
I hope the burst of energy keeps on firing.
“That happens with me all the time; makes readings tough.“
Really? I’m so glad I’m not the only one. ‘Course now I’m doubly terrified of doing readings . . . if that’s even possible.
Re: Unlocked writerly lists
Yes, I unlocked my post for all to see and then misspelled “fiction” in the process. Ah, shucks.
Re: Unlocked writerly lists
Tyops happen . . .
Hope the pain goes away soon!
Thanks, sweetie. The tea and Adderall have made me somewhat wired; while I’m still in pain, it bothers me less. I’ll take what improvement I can get . . .
I’m gonna cross my fingers for you too on the passage up to Eric Flint!
Hope the brain feels better! 🙂
Thanks. Me too! Err, on all counts.
Right There in Painland with You
In this corner, Brit — weighing twenty pounds more than she should, unshowered and barely awake. Her secret weapon — Percocet!
And in this corner, PAINPAINPAINOMGPAIN, weighing heavily on the psyche. His non-so-secret weapon — PAIN!
(The fluffy bunny will referee.)
It occurs to me that we go through a lot of the same sh*t at the same times. Are we on the same “cycle”? 😉
Re: Right There in Painland with You
I am much adoring your fluffy bunny referee. He looks like the perfect thing to squeeze when one is floored by agony.
“It occurs to me that we go through a lot of the same sh*t at the same times. Are we on the same “cycle”?“
Huh. Y’know you’re right. We’re either peculiarly in sync or there’s something in the Alpharetta air which lays both of us out in similar ways–or both. Oof.
oh, man 🙁 That really sucks on the pain!! *sigh*
Tell you what … you get over that pain and I’ll treat you to that little teashop (if we can get them to serve more non-fleshy fingerfoods!)
Get better soon *hug*
Teashop, yay! Ow, ooo. *wince* Enthusiasm painful. Must go die now. But I’ll resurrect for adorable, yummy teacake thingies.
Hmm, zombies at a formal tea. There’s a story there . . .
“The Zombies Tea Party”
there is definite potential …
Esp of the wraps, stoles and other things they had there were actually alive …
I hope you feel better soon!!!
*hugs* Thanks, sweetie.
Hi, Eugie, Jaye Lawrence here–you said some kind things about my short-short story “Fallen Idols” last year, and I think we swapped crits on Critters back when I was actively participating there.
I’m enjoying keeping up with your writing news on your LJ–but so sorry you’re having a painful day. Hope it eases soon.
Hi Jaye. It’s always nice to put a face to the writer. I remember “Fallen Idols,” an excellent story. Didn’t it also win an award of some kind?
It won an obscure writing prize at my college, but didn’t get much notice in the wider world. “Kissing Frogs” made the 2004 Tiptree shortlist, though, so it’s in the Tiptree Anthology II that came out recently.
Aouch. Tough luck. Have some rest, and I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks, sweetie.
Sorry to hear you are in so much pain.
Good luck with the Baen submission. Was it Paula who sent it up to Eric? Did you send it through the regular slush or the sluch for the Introducing slot?
“Was it Paula who sent it up to Eric?“
Yepper. Does Baen’s have other submissions editors? All of my previous correspondences have always been with Paula.
“Did you send it through the regular slush or the sluch for the Introducing slot?“
Regular slush. I’m not eligible for their “Introducing” slot. Did the story you sold them go through the Baen’s Bar/Introducing process?
Paula is the only one that I’ve worked with, but that was through the Introducing slush, so I didn’t know how it works at the regular level. Are you going to be at World Fantasy Con in Austin TX this year? I’ll be there, as will Paula and a bunch of the other Baen folks.
Alas, no
, although I’d love to go. Finances being what they are, I can only afford to go to local conventions. Fooie.
Hope you’re feeling better.
Re: Hope
Thanks, Joel. I am now, after many drugs and a nap.
I think it must be something about the turning of the season.,/i>
Ooh, same thing happens to me! I have the same thing at the moment, only we have the change to winter happening.
Eric Flint! Jealous!
“I have the same thing at the moment, only we have the change to winter happening.“
Is there still a cricket living in your ear? Here’s hoping we both feel better soon.
He’s not as bad. There’s times when he goes away entirely.
I find inhaling helps.