Completed five and a half out of seven sections of my research/writing freelance gig, and the 1.5 sections left are all applied, so I can lay off the theory, note taking, and brain scrunching.
Therefore, with a whole week left until my deadline, I took a little time to breathe this weekend . . . which still translated to 10-hour days working on the project. But having a few hours free in the evening felt pretty decadent to me.
Because Pierce Brosnan is teh hotness, I watched the first four episodes of season one of Remington Steele with fosteronfilm, courtesy Netflix. I didn’t see it when it first aired, but I’ve been curious about it, because, well, Pierce Brosnan and all. It was fun, not terribly well written, but not atrociously so either, but definitely somewhat time-branded. However, it did exactly what I wanted it to do, which is show lotso yummy Pierce–looking very young–albeit in three-piece suits.
So yeah, the second season one disk is going into our Netflix queue.

Writing Stuff
This whole writing for pay thing, I like it. It’s nice having the certainty of a paycheck as I’m working on something. It’s almost like having a job. Almost.
– “Oranges, Lemons, and Thou Beside Me” in the Apex Digest Best of 2005: Volume II anthology.
Table of Contents:
“Layers” by Mike Simon
“Big Sister/Little Sister” by Jennifer Pelland (jenwrites)
“An Odd Day in I-Forgot” by Athena Workman
“Oranges, Lemons, and Thou Beside Me” by Eugie Foster
This sweet little chapbook is only $2.50, and if you buy it with Volume I, both of are only $4.00.
You know you want it. Buuuuy it . . .
– In a conjunction of timely serendipity, an email from Matthew Tait, editor/reviewer for HorrorScope, letting me know he’d reviewed “Oranges, Lemons, and Thou Beside Me” in Apex #4.
“It’s a well-rounded tale with appealing characters, and brushes on incestuous erotica as Sabin – the war vet – tries to veil his feelings for his twin sister who greets him upon returning. An important plot twist involves their servant, with a finale that will not be easy to deduce and is shocking in its shrewdness.”
–Matthew Tait, HorrorScope
And issue 4 of Apex is sold out, so if you want to read the story, you have to buy the anthology.
You gave me a silly giggle…Remington Steele. See, I did see it when it came out. I was like…twelve or something and so in love with Pierce Brosnan. Probably wrote all sorts of little Mary Sue fanfics (never committed to paper, thank God) in my head where he fell in love with my ‘Sue.
Giggle. I’m twelve again. Haven’t thought of that show in eons.
Pat Kirby
Nice blurbage, indeed! 🙂
I, too, watched the Remington Steele disc courtesy of Netflix, but I have to say it didn’t stand up to my memory of the show. I really hate when that happens! That happened with Greatest American Hero, too. I guess I just have to hold them in my memory.
Remington Steele
I always watched it because I thought Stephanie Zimbalist was teh hotness. Then again, I still do, and have been contemplating getting the first season on DVD…
Therefore, with a whole week left until my deadline, I took a little time to breathe this weekend . . . which still translated to 10-hour days working on the project. But having a few hours free in the evening felt pretty decadent to me.
I totally empathize with you, Eugie. But at least your decadent 10-hr. days are spent making money writing. That makes such a difference…. 🙂
OOoooo. What a deal on the Apex anthology. I’ll have to whip B into sending out some bills so I can afford both of them (not only full-time writers are short on funds from time to time).