Packing Hobkin up today for skunk camp. As is our tradition, the little guy is spending Christmas with his godmother, Debbie, and her ten skunks as we can’t take him with us to Illinois. I always get anxious and forlorn when we send him away. We totally trust Debbie with Hobkin, and he loves it there, but I’ll miss the little guy terribly. I’m not sure if I can sleep anymore without him cuddled in my arms.

Writing Stuff:
My Cyberpunk article is now up at the Internet Review of Science Fiction. Hurray! And the acting editor-in-chief assures me my check is in the mail.
The Critters critiques continue to roll in. I think I’m up to twenty-two. Matthew really liked the SF story I had him first-reader. He said it “has the potential to be one of your best.” Huh. Sometimes I just can’t figure my hubby. He also made some excellent suggestions, which I’ll implement before sending the thing up to Critters.
I’m not going to try for word count over the holidays, although I will continue to be on the lookout for my muse, should she decide to make an appearance.
– Updated my website to include an “Appearances” page to list the conventions I’ll be attending next year.
– Word count: Completed one of the flash stories I started for jack_yoniga‘s and dys7topia‘s contests. Going to sit on it for a day or so to let it stew, then send it out. Still working on the other one. Did an editing pass on the SF story. Also picked up a discarded fantasy story (“Rue and Ruin”) and wrenched forth a couple hundred words. Close ’nuff to 500.
Club 100 for Writers
Congrats on that Cyberpunk article. Went over there so I can read but guess you have to join and/or pay for it, right? Anyway, I hope you have a happy holiday!
I don’t recall paying for anything, and I usually remember when I have to. I just had to join. Now to Eugie:
the article was really informative. I’m surprised, though I know I shouldn’t be, at how different your nonfiction ‘voice’ sounds from your fiction, but I suppose that’s one of the marks of a good writer, and we all know you’re that.
It was weird–I was reading it, going, “this is cyberpunk? I thought this was science fiction!” I mean, I’m not ridiculously naive–I know there’s a difference between ursula k leguin scifi and william gibson. but I’m 23 now, and I was on the internet when I was 10, so cyberspace was always just another word to me that went with computers: it just didn’t have any fantastic connotations to it. I guess it’s kind of like ‘plain’ punk as far as identification as a subculture goes–the lines have blurred between it and society, except on the most extreme levels, so that cyberpunk becomes just kind of post-90s technology-centered SF, and punk becomes post-90s socio-political=centered angry.
I wonder how you’re supposed to not write cliches when literary cliches that have spread outside the literary just become part of society? Or at that point does it cease to become cliche? I don’t know. gah! But very spiffy article, anyway–full of lots of stuff I get to run out and read now, yay!
Eugie, I wrote my very first flash fiction today, thanks to you. I really enjoyed the experience. I even posted it!
Rah! Is it screened, or is it public? Linkie?
Public. dys7topia’s contest.