OutlantaCon report part 3 sent

Just sent in the 3rd/final segment of my OutlantaCon writeup for Fantasy Magazine. I had a great time!

Less in recovery mode this Monday AM than usual from conventions. Probably due to the wise decision to not drink or otherwise carouse at this one. Because of how close OutlantaCon’s host hotel was to our house, I even got a reasonable amount of sleep. Hope they continue to have it in northern Atlanta hotels (although not this particular one, as after the rains on Saturday, the main programming room acquired a new “amenity”: running water…sans plumbing pipes).

They’ve already invited me back to reprise my guesthood, which makes it the earliest advance notice/invite I’ve ever received from a convention. Hee! Of course I said “yes!”, so I will absolutely be back next year.

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5 Responses to OutlantaCon report part 3 sent

  1. jmmcdermott says:

    Great Meeting You!

    Great meeting you and Matt! I’ve been reading your short fiction a while scattered out across the sf-nal-sphere, and it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance at last and get a groovy signed copy!


    J M McD

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