Hey, on a totally different and less chilly subject, should you and opt to get a Droid, I wanted to recommend y’all try out the Dolphin browser. It provides multitouch (pinch to zoom) and tabbed browsing on the Droid, and I think it’s faster than the default browser. And best of all, it’s also a free app .
*emphatic nods*
Hey, on a totally different and less chilly subject, should you and opt to get a Droid, I wanted to recommend y’all try out the Dolphin browser. It provides multitouch (pinch to zoom) and tabbed browsing on the Droid, and I think it’s faster than the default browser. And best of all, it’s also a free app
Stay warm!
Thanks…I’ll pass that on to him. ;o)
They just showed Atlanta on the Weather Channel…looks mighty bad, there. You stay warm, too!
It is cold out today. Why, it is only 57 F here in San Diego!
But no matter how bad it is here, it’s worse in Illinois. -2 (with wind chill) there. Ugh!