Wore my new boots I got for Christmas today, and they’re surprisingly painful to walk in over concrete. But they look good. Priorities and all. However, I think long hikes through the urban jungle are off the list for these:
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Those look rather svelte!
Do you think after they are broken in they will be less painful?
It’s possible, but probably not. They fit great—they’re not too tight or too big or anything—the problem is that the soles are a little thin, so when I’m tromping around outside, I can feel every irregularity in the sidewalk, and there’s no cushion. The cold doesn’t help either. They’re fine inside on carpet and even flooring.
I’ve had shoes like that. They look great though!
Indoor shoes. Definitely indoor shoes!
Cute! They definitely don’t look concrete friendly, though. Poor tootsies!
Thanks, sweetie! They should be fine for Dragon*Con, at least, once I get into the hotels. It’s zipping around between them that I’ll want to avoid. But then, I try to avoid that anyway.
:types little “Dragon*Con or Bust” bumper stickers for the backs of your shoes:
Happy Birthday!
Thanks, sweetie!