Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End was much fun. We joined a horde of pirates who were helping the theater out by selling movie posters to benefit charity–the same group who fosteronfilm had gotten tickets to for the publicity screening of Pirates of the Caribbean in March (that I couldn’t make ’cause it was in the middle of session).
Captain and crew had asked us along as thanks for that, which was right decent of them. Among the motley crew was pyanfar, so we got a chance to chat with her. Although it was past my bedtime and I get cranky and turn into a pumpkin when I’m tired, so I wasn’t at my best. At least if I growled at someone, it was in good piratey character. Ahhrrr. The cinema people had us pirates in a theater all by ourselves for a special screening. Undoubtedly for the best. Pirates are rowdy, bawdy, and gregarious folk. Don’t want to scare or irk landlubbers who paid good doubloons to be there.
The movie itself was great. The pacing was much better than Dean Man’s Chest. There was swashing, there was buckling, there were stunning costumes for Keira Knightly, fantastic EFX, and a magnificent ship battle at the end. Greatly enjoyed and recommend it. Read fosteronfilm‘s review!

Writing Stuff
Wanted to get some good writing done this holiday weekend, and I’ve hauled myself up to my library office most diligently. Go, me.
Although something’s gone awry with my ergonomic set-up, and I can’t figure out how to fix it. My wingstubs have been aching these last couple days. I’d almost managed to put from mind how distressing that pain is and how much it pervades my consciousness when they flare up. It’s a constant ache that shades every moment of my day. I haven’t started popping tramadols yet, but I’m thinking about it. Except I really don’t like pairing tramadol with Adderall; it’s a bit too much of a yo-yo up-down-up-down on the physiology. Wreaks havoc on my productivity, which defeats the purpose of taking the stupid pills in the first place.
– The galleys from Strange Horizons for the interview lynnejamneck conducted with me. Also word that it’s going up on Monday. Hurray!
– Letter from Cricket that they’ve slated my story, “The Tanuki-Kettle,” for their July ’07 issue. Delighted me. If I do say so myself, this is one of my more charming ones, and I’m verily stoked to see the illustrations.
Also, I’m especially pleased/relieved ’cause I was really hoping they’d schedule another of my stories that they’ve got in inventory for publication in ’07 other than “The Snow Woman’s Daughter” (which was in February’s issue). Last year, they published three of them, but one was for Spider. I’m wondering if they don’t like clumping the same author too many times in a year’s lineup. Or maybe my stories aren’t hitting their themes right. Pondering the vagaries of that end of the publishing biz is probably a good road to a padded cell. I’ll nip that bud and just say “yay!”
New Words:
– 1500 on the Fox Princess novel. I actually hit flow! I haven’t done that in so long, I’d almost forgotten what that feels like, the headspace high of story pouring through fingers and eyes onto the page. Nummy writing goodness. More please.
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Sorry for the bad wingstub pain in the midst of so much other good news. Take care of yourself and mix those meds with extreme caution.
And congrats on the progress and soon-to-appear Cricket story. Rock on!
Ooh, can’t wait to see new PoC! Yay for new novel flow! 😀
RE: novel flow: Yay Eugie!
Time for me to go back to fixing my runaway novel that was supposed to be a collection of short stories with a novelette at the end. Errg! I could just whip my muse for doing that to me!
I might just check out anthologybuilder.com ….