It’s Matthew’s birthday today! Happy Birthday to my hubby. I made him a chocolate cream pie (his favorite), and there’s a nice pile of prezzies waiting for him to ooo and ahhh over. I used some of the promo posters to wrap them . . .
The last Dragon*Con director’s meeting was yesterday. Much fun, and the convention fed us again. I grabbed a whole yellow bell pepper, an apple, and a banana from the buffet table to bring home to mollify Hobkin with. Got a chance to gab and/or wave at dire_epiphany, astralfire, fingerman, and tk0667. Also managed to unload about nine of the countless boxes of promo posters, and a box of The Grudge hats. Woohoo! I will get my dining room back . . . eventually.
Hmm. Matthew just came wandering out. Appears he’s insomniac, the poor thing. Going to go keep him company until he falls back asleep.

Writing Stuff:
My (tentative) schedule as a guest for Dragon*Con:
“Marketing Short Fiction” Fri. 11AM (Ann Crispin’s Workshop)
“So You Want to Write a Kid’s Book” Fri. 4PM (YA Lit. Track)
“The Roots of Science Fiction and Fantasy” Sat. 2:30 (YA Lit. Track)
“Is it Horror?” Sat. 8:30PM (Writers Track)
I also asked the director of the Writers Track if I could glomp onto the “Transylvania Twist” panel at 7PM on Saturday. That one’s about vampire fiction, and I figure it’d be a good panel for me because well, I write vampire fiction and I’ve got a vampire chapbook to hawk. Plus it’s right before my other Writers Track panel so I could just sit in the same room. Convenient.
“Is it Horror?” Sat. 8:30PM (Writers Track)
I also asked the director of the Writers Track if I could glomp onto the “Transylvania Twist” panel at 7PM on Saturday. That one’s about vampire fiction, and I figure it’d be a good panel for me because well, I write vampire fiction and I’ve got a vampire chapbook to hawk. Plus it’s right before my other Writers Track panel so I could just sit in the same room. Convenient.
::sigh:: I wanna go. Wah!
Why aren’t you? It’s fun! It’s big! Meet celebrities. Attend panels!
I used up all my spare vacation and cash this year working on Writercon. ::long-suffering sigh:: No Dragoncon for me this year. Maybe next.
Bummer! Hopefully next year!
Happy Birthday, Matthew!
I hope all three of you have a happy day!
Jaime’s birthday is in two days, and he’s actually rather sad about that. 🙁 I’ve got to figure out how to cheer him up.
Re: Happy Birthday, Matthew!
Thank you!
And Jaime shouldn’t be sad about his birthday. Birthdays are happy times with cake! Wish him a happy B-day from both of us.
Happy birthday to Matthew!!!!
Happy Birthday to Matthew!!!
Thank you!
CURSES!! I missed out on swag aquisition… or did I?
There are still over forty boxes of promo stuff in our dining room. I assure you, there’s puhlenty of swag left! And our dining room still looks like a loading dock. Sigh.
Hehehehe… poor Eugie, Mistress of Promo Stuff. 😉
Now I want to go to the con. *sob*
Re: Dragon*Con
You should! You should! *nudge prod*
One of these years, you should come to a con up north my way…
I most definitely will . . . as soon as my finances stabilize!