Hobkin’s Third Anniversary

It’s the three-year adoption anniversary of our skunk. Three years ago today we drove cross-country to Iowa to pick out a baby ball of fuzz to bring home. He slept in my arms for the whole drive back, and continues to sleep in my arms every night. Hobkin makes me laugh, helps put things into perspective when the world threatens to spiral out of control, and wedges his nose under my chin when I need someone soft and warm to hug.

To celebrate the occasion, I bought a carton of blueberries, fed him his favorite veggies along with the berry treats, and gave him a teeny taste of cherry pie. And when he got all tuckered out, I took pictures:

Cuddling beside me

Napping under his hutch

I love the little fuzzwit. He makes our home complete.

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16 Responses to Hobkin’s Third Anniversary

  1. Oooooh, SWEET pictures!!!!

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you all!

  2. awwwwww Pics of li’l Hobkin make me so happeeeeee!

  3. He’s sooooo cuuuuuuuuute! I want one! Remind me again why I don’t want one? Oh yeah, it’s illegal to own skunks in Wisconsin. And skunks are ten times bigger trouble-makers than my Smudgie-kitty. But they’re sooooooo cuuuuuuuuuute!!!

  4. jmeadows says:

    Awww, I do so loff him!

  5. pyanfar says:

    sooooo cute!!

    Happy Hobkin Day!

  6. It’s the little fang poking out that sells it. And the pawpads. I die of cuteness!

  7. pegkerr says:

    How long can you expect a skunk to live, Eugie?

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Skunk life expectancy varies greatly. Out in the wild, they tend to only live two to three years. Domesticated ones average, I believe, around eight years, but some live for twenty-plus. A lot of it depends upon diet, genetics, and various environmental factors, but there’s also a big cosmic unknown at play. Hobkin’s from an excellent breeder who’s careful to ensure their skunks aren’t prone to any of the major genetic problems the ones from the fur farm/mill are–like seizures and misc. tumors–we’re very careful with Hobkin’s diet, and he stays inside our house nearly exclusively, protected from the more egregious environmental risk factors.

      I’m hoping our little guy will be with us for a very long time.

  8. cricketshay says:

    He is so adorable!!!

  9. writer_space says:

    Awww, he’s so adorable. 😀

  10. ex_girlmech says:

    I love how he attempts to look ferocious even while asleep.

    Congrats, Eugie 🙂

  11. keesa_renee says:

    Oh, the darling! Many more happy anniversaries to both of you.

  12. grommie says:

    Happy Anniversary Hobkin and family!
    Hugs to the skunk!

  13. oliver_dale says:

    I love the Hobkin picture posts. 🙂 Makes me giggle.

  14. whitecrow0 says:

    OMG, those first two are especially precious! :}

  15. Awwwww! Skunky cuteness. I really think pets make a house a home. I don’t totally trust anyone who doesn’t like animals. They just seem suspect to me. Congrats on your adoption anniversary, and many happy returns.

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