It’s my birthday today. Went to work as usual, though. There’s an irony in that. When I was a little girl, my birthday always fell during the Christmas holidays, so I never got a classroom party at school like all the other kids did.
I always felt cheated that classes were out on my birthday. Now, I feel cheated that I have to go to work on my birthday. Humph.
Got a lovely card and truly excellent CD compilation from britzkrieg. Thank you, britzkrieg!! My brother-in-law and his wife gave me a 2-year subscription to Realms of Fantasy, and my folks-in-law gave me a lovely necklace.
Going to open prezzies from Matthew later this evening.
My year in review (brought to you by the letter “F” and the number “1”):
– Fitness: Husband, skunk, and self are all reasonably decent. A few quirks and worries here and there, but generally A-OK. We could all stand to lose some weight, but then that’s what New Year’s resolutions are for.
– Finances: Acceptable. ‘Nuff said.
– Friends: Made some new ones, hooked up with an old one (waves to gannet), and spent quality time with loved ones.
– Family: Acquired a new stepfather whom I quite like, and spent a cordial, even pleasant weekend with him and my mother.
– Fiction: Made 14 sales, including several to pro markets, and my first reprint sale. I was hoping for one more sale in December, but that seems terribly unlikely at this point. Got my first professional review in Locus and it was favorable. Sat on a writing panel at Dragon*Con with luminaries in the SF world, and interrupted and contradicted one of them (gleep). Ended the year with 35 works in circulation. Also 80K+ words in completed chapters/works written with uncounted thousands of words written on unfinished projects. Not bad progress for only three years of focused writing effort.
– Firsts:
– Weathered my first year as Daily Dragon co-director/editor without any fatalities or catastrophic mishaps.
– Coordinated the Ms. Fantasm pageant at Fantasm for the first time, which took some of the sadness out of passing on my crown. It went smoothly, and there’s a lovely new Ms. Fantasm to bear the mantle.
– Took Hobkin to his first skunk show and made an excellent showing despite his not being on his best behavior.
– Frustrations: I didn’t finish the novel. In fact my progress on it was downright disappointing. And I really need to lose some weight.
All in all, I’m pretty pleased with the year. So, Happy Birthday to Me. I’m older, not necessarily wiser, but I’m okay with me.
Happy Birthday to you!!
Happy Birthday!!
I hope you have a great day and this year brings you nothing but good things!
Re: Happy Birthday to you!!
Thank you!
Thanks, sweetie!
“and there’s a lovely new Ms. Fantasm to bear the mantle.”
One who doubtless pales to insignificance next to her predecessor.
Happiest of birthdays, Eugie. And we’ll throw in a happy new year, too, just ‘cuz.
“One who doubtless pales to insignificance next to her predecessor.
happy birthday, eugie!
Happy Birthday!!!!
Thank you!
happy birthday!
(sorry i’m so late…just now catching up with friends list…)
Thank you! And you weren’t late at all!
Happy Birthday!
Thank you!
Happy Birthday, Eugie!!!!!!!!!
(I’m sorry I don’t have the birthday thing ON my LJ so they can’t notify me and I have no idea when birthdays are coming.)
Thanks, sweetie!
I don’t have the birthday thing on either, so I’m perpetually late with LJ birthdays as well. Heh.
Have a terrific birthday, Eugie! And Happy New Year! I really hope you enjoy the CD. I should have put Auld Lang Syne on it.
Wait, maybe I did… ah, the mind does falter at our age. 
Thanks again! I love the CD!
Happy Belated Birthday!
Thank you!