If you’re a Yank 18 years of age or older and you haven’t yet, go vote!
Don’t take your constitutional right to participate in America’s democratic process for granted. Make your opinion count. Cast your ballot today.
Writing Stuff
Newly published:
• “A Box of Spoons” is now up at Hub (issue #68). Free fiction; go read, yo! (After you vote.)
Jay walked over to Barnwell to vote for his first time yesterday (15 minute wait compared to our 3 hours). He was really psyched!
Yes, I voted. And although others in my State may not have agreed with me, it did count in the overall popular tally. Yea us!
I must now go read.
Have read, weirded out. Think I’ll go contemplate a spoon trade?
I voted, and was proud to do so, and am proud to be an American.
However, I am not, and will never be, a “Yank(ee).”