I’ve been short of breath and having tightness in my chest these last few days, something I haven’t had to deal with for many months now. I actually needed to break out the Albuterol several times (probably more than is recommended) yesterday and today. Weird. Is it stress? Or did I inhale a dust monkey by accident?
Finished watching yukinooruoni‘s DVD set of Sports Night. Definitely a top-notch show, although I think the writing had a bit more of a comedic edge in the first season. I never got another roaring belly laugh moment to match the one I had at Natalie’s first season “cure” for writer’s block. Still, plenty of laugh-out-loud moments. The drama parts didn’t hold up as well without the intense comedy to bolster it, and the finale was a pretty massive Deus ex machina. Nevertheless, it was an excellent series, and I am massively bummed they canceled it. There was still much they could’ve done with the characters.
Also finally got a chance to see Corpse Bride a la Netflix. It was better than I had expected. I liked very much how the land of the living was so dreary and deathly dull while the land of the dead was all bright and lively. Nice bit of claymation-depicted irony. And of course, everything Tim Burton touches is pretty.

Writing Stuff
Crits are coming in for “Honor is a Game Mortals Play.” (Thanks bunches safirasilv and elvesforeyes for the fabu feedback!) It’s being well received thus far. I’ve already started doing some minor tweaks from suggestions that immediately resonated.
And y’know, after not looking at the story for a few days and coming back to it with fresh eyes, I like it. That’s immensely gratifying.
dsnight, at this rate, you can expect to have the ms on your desk next week.
I’ve also started dwelling upon what I want to do with “Nobodies and Somebodies,” rewrite-wise. I asked my Aberrant Dreams editor what sort of deadline I’m looking at.
For someone who’s unemployed, I’m agog at how my plate overfloweth.
…at this rate, you can expect to have the ms on your desk next week.
[Mr. Burns voice] Excellent… [/Mr. Burns Voice]
Winter smog
This time of year the smog lays low in the air on the streets. I don’t have asthma but I’m keeping a mask in my car for when I smell the smog.
Re: Winter smog
I don’t think it’s the smog. I rarely go into the city proper these days. But it’s definitely something. I do wonder if it’s an air quality issue compounding things.
Cheers, Eugie! I’ve read through your story preparatory to critting it, so expect to get mine in the next day or two!
That shortness of breath sounds bad–I hope it’s not something serious. Take care of yourself!
Oh, and sister-mine says hello to Hobkin. She’s asked for more pictures of cute, skunky fluffiness soon. 🙂
Thanks for excellent crit, Keesa!
“That shortness of breath sounds bad–I hope it’s not something serious.“
I’m used to it. I had asthma when I was little, although I outgrew it, but then during my last year or so at my old corporate job I kept having this sort of thing happen. Various and sundry tests and specialists later, they all agreed it wasn’t asthma, but had no idea what was causing. The last diagnosis (given with the equivalent of doctorly shrug) was “stress.” Annoying, but not life-threatening.
“Oh, and sister-mine says hello to Hobkin. She’s asked for more pictures of cute, skunky fluffiness soon.“
Tell sister-yours hello back from Hobkin. And her wish is my command. Skunk pictures up shortly . . .
FWIW, I loved SPORTS NIGHT. Interesting to notice how many of the ideas Aaron Sorkin recycled for THE WEST WING. (And how quickly THE WEST WING took a nosedive in quality after Sorkin left.)
It’s all about the writing! A fact Hollywood seems unable to grasp. I haven’t seen many West Wing episodes, a show I’m now much more inclined to give another shot to. Or at least the early seasons.
The first season of West Wing was excellent. A friend made me a MY PRESIDENT IS MARTIN SHEEN lapel button, but of course I was afraid to wear it in Arizona.
It is all about the writing, indeed. Compare the new GALACTICA with the original. (OK, I know the original had a following, but I pretty much hated it)
Glad to helpith!
Thanks-eth againith!
I liked the contrast in Corpse Bride as well. I think I was pointing it out to my children in the theater when I was shushed. 🙂
Tch tch. How dare you try to expand your children’s viewing appreciation in a theater!
Sports Night rocks!!!
Ye verily!
Should be doing my crit tomorrow…
Yay! I look forward to reading your thoughts.
Ew, the shortness of breath doesn’t sound good. Asthma? You sound as if you’re used to it…
I loved Corpse Bride. Deliciously ironic. The only thing that bothered me was the main characters who started singing at the worst possible times. Eek. I’ve always hated the songs in the Disney movies. I want the story, not the music :-‘(
Read the story on critters. Am mulling on thoughtful crit.
“Ew, the shortness of breath doesn’t sound good. Asthma? You sound as if you’re used to it…“
Unfortunately, I am indeed used to it. I had asthma years and years ago when I little, but I outgrew it. This new shortness of breath isn’t asthma (so say the deluge of tests I took when I first starting experiencing it a year or so ago). But my doctors are baffled. Lung and breathing problems aren’t uncommon in lupus/MCTD, but the tests I underwent ruled that out too. As a catch-all we-dunno-so-this-is-all-that’s-left, my doctor’s said “stress.” Hmph. I just deal as best I can when it pops up.
“Read the story on critters. Am mulling on thoughtful crit.“
Yay! Looking forward to
hearingreading your thoughts.“Honor is a Game Mortals Play.”
I really like that as a title.
Thanks! Me too.
unemployed or self-employed? i prefer for the latter, as a freelancer myself.
as for your “writing stuff” link – i click on it and every time these is just a userpic. do you ever post your creative stuff?
Technically, I suppose I’m a freelance writer. But the inability to pull a survivable income from it and the bog of worry hanging over me regarding the looming cessation date of my COBRA-supplied health insurance mocks me when I call myself that.
“as for your “writing stuff” link – i click on it and every time these is just a userpic.“
You confused me there, with the link and clicking, but then I figured you must have images turned off on your browser so all you see is the URL of my “Writing Stuff” graphic. It’s not supposed to be a link, just a picture.
“do you ever post your creative stuff?“
Nope. I don’t post my fiction here. I know some folks do self-publish their stories on their blogs and websites, but as I don’t want to jeopardize my first publication rights, I don’t. However, if you’re interested in reading my work online, I have sold stories to various ezines. Just click on the “Read & Buy” link on the navigation menu of my eugiefoster.com website for a recent sample, or check out my bibliography pages for links to all my online work.