Thanks to everyone who swung by with Happy Birthday wishes yesterday!
Went out to Fung’s for my birthday dinner and then came home to do cake and prezzies. fosteronfilm got me a fuzzy sweater and an animal print pillow as well as *drum roll* a full length mirror! At long last, after thirteen years of marriage, I finally have a mirror long enough to see my shoes in! I’d resorted to standing on the bathtub rim or lifting my feet above the counter in order to gauge the effect of an ensemble; I’ve hinted and begged for a full-length, and I figured it was a lost cause–sort of a male/female thing where the hubby teases me about having so many shoes, and I rail against his callous disregard of my girlie proclivities. And now I finally, finally have one!
He’s going to install it in the bathroom today. Hurray!

Writing Stuff
– “Li T’ien and the Demon Nian” is now out in the Jan. 2006 issue of Cricket. I got my contrib copies in the mail yesterday–a very happy b-day bonus–and there are no fewer than four gorgeous illustrations done by artist Ju-Hong Chen of my story. They’re perfect! I had to make a pharmacy run to pick up a refill of my Imuran and I took a contrib. copy with me to beam and squee at while standing in (the interminable) line. Made the wait whip by in a warm and fuzzy glow. (Although I think I embarrassed Matthew with my bubbling–and loud–enthusiasm.) The artist got the Nian monster perfect:

– An invite from Jason Sizemore of Apex Digest to be a featured writer and to contribute to the subsequent featured writer anthology. Of course, I accepted!
– 86-day “nope” from On the Line. (Tbtthhh to them!)
2005 in Review:
I had a pretty good year, writing-wise.
– I took over as Managing Editor of Tangent. Ellen Datlow in her introduction in the 18th Annual Best of Fantasy and Horror called me “capable” in that role: “By the end of the year, [Tangent] was in the capable hands of Eugie Foster, who caught up with most of the reviews and by the New Year had it all running smoothly with new reviews being posted in a timely manner.” I’m giddy to be praised by Ellen Datlow herself as well as having my name in that most hallowed tome. ‘Course I’d rather have my fiction mentioned there, but hey, it’s a start.
– Found an excellent agent for my middle-grade novel.
– Had my first (and second, third, and fourth) author interviews.
– Made 28 sales including 12 pro, 9 reprints, 5 foreign, and 2 audio.
– Saw 23 stories published.
– Wrote to completion 15 short stories slapping down approx. 93K words in the process
– Survived another year as Editor/Director of the Daily Dragon.
Unfortunately, I did not manage to stick with the 500 words/day resolution I made, falling about 22K short (ouch). So . . .
Writing Resolution for 2006
– Attempt to achieve 500/day this year with a minimum total word count in 2006 of 115K.
– Also, I’m going to try to stick with the working during the day holed up in the library strategy as that seems to be an excellent productivity tool.
– And finally, I want to finish a @#!$ novel. Any of the several that I’ve started will do.
Scott M. Sandridge
I love the neurotic eyeballs icon. It seems to fit my personality. lol.
You also helped a newbie author get going in the right direction (and maybe more than one newbie, but I only know about my own experience). Thanks for being a mentor to me.
Here’s my New Year’s resolution: at least 1 pro sale, and more fiction stories published this coming year than you (er, in the year, that is. There’s no way I’ll catch up in total). So, it looks like I’ll have to do at least 500 words per day, too.
Ooooh! I just love a good challenge!
Scott M. Sandridge
I love the neurotic eyeballs icon. It seems to fit my personality. lol.
You also helped a newbie author get going in the right direction (and maybe more than one newbie, but I only know about my own experience). Thanks for being a mentor to me.
Here’s my New Year’s resolution: at least 1 pro sale, and more fiction stories published this coming year than you (er, in the year, that is. There’s no way I’ll catch up in total). So, it looks like I’ll have to do at least 500 words per day, too.
Ooooh! I just love a good challenge!
I love the illustration! No one could stand silently in line while discovering pictures like that.
Woops! That was me.
Woops! That was me.
I love the illustration! No one could stand silently in line while discovering pictures like that.
A most impressive year in review.
And you are a fav writer of mine.
A most impressive year in review.
And you are a fav writer of mine.
*In best James Earl Jones imitation* — Impressive.
You didn’t mention this, understandably, but I did want to say that those of us who live in the poetry world on the other side of the looking glass appreciate what you tried to do for us this year. So, thank you, certainly, for that!
*In best James Earl Jones imitation* — Impressive.
You didn’t mention this, understandably, but I did want to say that those of us who live in the poetry world on the other side of the looking glass appreciate what you tried to do for us this year. So, thank you, certainly, for that!
That is a fabulous illustration. Happy New Year and Best Wishes for more successes.
That is a fabulous illustration. Happy New Year and Best Wishes for more successes.
May 2006 be spectacular for you 🙂
I shall bug you about your novels *grin*
May 2006 be spectacular for you 🙂
I shall bug you about your novels *grin*
Congrats, Eugie! I second the ‘favorite living author’ thing; I love your stories.
Here’s to many more successes in the coming year!
Congrats, Eugie! I second the ‘favorite living author’ thing; I love your stories.
Here’s to many more successes in the coming year!
finishing a novel.
that’s exactly my resolution for 2006.
finishing a novel.
that’s exactly my resolution for 2006.
Happy New Year, Eugie. Tell Foster on Film not to bother renting Hellraiser: Hellworld. This was the first Hellraiser we could not sit through. Even Doug Bradley and Lance Henricksen couldn’t save it.
As for all those sales: Wow. You rock, Eugie.
All the best,
Happy New Year, Eugie. Tell Foster on Film not to bother renting Hellraiser: Hellworld. This was the first Hellraiser we could not sit through. Even Doug Bradley and Lance Henricksen couldn’t save it.
As for all those sales: Wow. You rock, Eugie.
All the best,
I *love* that ‘Cricket’ picture! It’s gorgeous! *squeeing with you* 😀
I *love* that ‘Cricket’ picture! It’s gorgeous! *squeeing with you* 😀
Twenty-eight sales?
You rock, and give me something to shoot for in 2006. (That would mean doubling my 2005 sales, but hey, that’s not impossible. Challenging, but not impossible.)
Twenty-eight sales?
You rock, and give me something to shoot for in 2006. (That would mean doubling my 2005 sales, but hey, that’s not impossible. Challenging, but not impossible.)
EVERY girl need s full-length mirror! Glad you finally got yours! (And glad you had a Happy Birthday!!)
EVERY girl need s full-length mirror! Glad you finally got yours! (And glad you had a Happy Birthday!!)