Still recovering from D*C’07. fosteronfilm has a touch of the Con Crud, and I’m recovering from forgetting to take my Imuran for several days in there. (Whoops.) dude_the wants to establish a system for next year so I don’t forget again. Probably a good idea.
I took very few pictures at the con this year, basically only of folks I know when I remembered to pull out the camera. Herein the ones I got:
My DC2K writers group annual dinner with Ann Crispin. From left to right: Lisa, Nancy, Teresa, Ann, orig_ladycat, reddherring1955, Gwen, aldeygirl.
Three of us wore corsets this year: Me, Debbie, and canadiansuzanne. Maybe I can get all of us in them next year?
This is Jeremy, the resolution writer in the OLC last session. Hee! My workplace harbors teh geekdom.
dude_the trying on a utilikilt.
canadiansuzanne took a lot more pix of D*C07. Check out her Dragon*Con 2007 photo set on Flickr.
Short End magazine did a video interview with fosteronfilm during the convention. They donβt quite have the aspect ratio thing down, but I think it was a pretty spiffy interview:

Writing Stuff
More details on the reading mroctober, Catherine Lundoff, and I are doing for So Fey
I pretty much handed the cameras to the hub since it was his first con this year, and he still took less than I did last year (of course, a lot of that was because of money and the lack thereof, but he also didn’t seem to find much he wanted to photograph either). Oddly, I also went to less panels this year (which was my 2nd, btw)–is that common? lol
I tried to look for you, not that you would know me from Adam, but I did try.
I think corsets should make a come back and be everyday where. Yes, I do.
Corsets and kilts would probably make the world a better place.
Why not…?
I didn’t see any corsets at launch pad this summer. Why not? I think hard sf and astronomy in particular could use more corsets…
Re: Why not…?
Edit: Wear, not where. Urg. Must have had the smarts filter turned off that day.
I am hard pressed to thing of any branch of science that would not benefit from corsets…
I never noticed before, but Matthew’s voice sounds a lot like Joss Whedon’s.
I take a number of meds regularly, and I’ve found that the simplest way to avoid forgetting is simply to get one of the “day by day” plastic medicine boxes from the local drugstore, and set out both morning and evening daily meds a week in advance. Having them all in one place–and, more importantly, in one place where I can tell at a glance if I’ve taken them or not, as opposed to trying to remember if I dug them out of the prescription bottles–has done wonders. (It also helps to keep the box someplace you can’t miss it; I keep it in the drawer with the toothpaste.) I still forget occasionally, but far less often than I used to.
As for the corset, I will simply say “Wow.” Any further comment would almost certainly come out inappropriately. π
“I’ve found that the simplest way to avoid forgetting is simply to get one of the “day by day” plastic medicine boxes from the local drugstore“
Actually, I’ve got one of those–I’m thinking that you might even have been the impetus for me getting it after the last time I posted about forgetting to take my meds–and it’s been a lifesaver for my daily pill routine. I keep it on the table where we have dinner, the time that I take the majority of my meds, so as soon as I sit down to eat, there it is. But I didn’t have it with me for Dragon*Con, opting to just count out the pills I needed to take during the convention and stick them in my purse. The environment is too chaotic and varied at the convention for my regular reminders to work (obviously). I think next year I’ll need to set an alarm or something . . . which might also then prod me to eat more regularly, too.
“As for the corset, I will simply say “Wow.” Any further comment would almost certainly come out inappropriately.“
Huh. Really? Well, you know it must be good advice, then, if I’ve offered it twice. π
Ooh, love the corsets! π
Two thumbs up for the corsets. :>
And two thumbs up for So Fey, which I so need to get my hands on.