Eating Cocoa Puffs for breakfast, got a warm skunk curled at my side, and am watching a trashy made-for-TV movie on TNT about a heroic librarian. Life is good.
Went out without fosteronfilm to run a couple errands yesterday–bank, post office, and grocery store–because the first two places close before noon, and my hubby doesn’t typically stir before mid-day. I didn’t think I was all that dolled up–hadn’t bothered to put in my contacts and just tossed on some comfy pants and a black shirt–but I got several compliments out of the blue from fellow grocery story/bank goers. One guy started flirting with me in the produce section, and a sweet little old lady came up to me and told me how pretty I was. It made me happy. Puzzled, but happy. Apparently I need to venture out of the house, without Matthew to scare off admirers, more often .
However, I confused the bank teller to no end when I presented him my check from ‘9‘ to deposit. It being in euros confounded him. And I am less than impressed by the exchange rate I got. When he finally figured it out (after calling in another bank person to consult), the whole situation so discombobulated him that he forgot to deposit the other two checks I’d given him (in US Dollars even). When I saw the HUGE discrepancy in the receipt he gave me, I made a beeline back to his window. He was properly apologetic, but still, it was a really big mistake, as in over $400 big. Going to keep a close eye on our balance until that transaction clears to make sure everything totals up properly. I’m rather worried that the concept of foreign currency is so perplexing to my bank.

Writing Stuff
My Cricket queue is once again empty and I find I’m still in a good mindset for folk tales. I keep wanting to dabble in something Egyptian, but every time I start doing research on Egyptian myths and legends, I get side tracked and end up doing something Chinese again as a default. Chinese is easier, dammit. It’s like remembering something I already know rather than learning something totally from scratch. Maybe I’ll compromise and do something Japanese again, or Indian. Or wackiest of wackies, Greek! I love Greek mythology, but it’s so done. It’s so much harder coming up with a fresh spin or a unique voice on it. *ponder ponder ponder* O beauteous (and pernicious) muse of writing, talk to me!
mmmmmm Coco puffs! I must have a bowl as well.
They’re addictive! And they turn my milk all chocolaty. Yum.
Cocoa Puffs! I’m shocked, Eugie! I want some!
Personally, I also prefer Chinese folktales over other cultures’, being a half-bred Chinese on my dad’s side.
BTW, I LOVED “The Storyteller’s Wife” in the newest RoF, which I picked up from my local Borders yesterday. Now I have to order the February back issue to read “Returning My Sister’s Face.” Lately I’ve been keeping myself up-to-date on all your sales/publications to stay motivated in writing. I get sad when a sale of yours disintegrates; I get sad when something gets removed from your bibliography. It makes me panic.
Alan Yee
I’m so glad you enjoyed “The Storyteller’s Wife”! And I get sad too when a previously sold story gets newly orphaned. But I try to think of it as “it sold once, so it can do so again.”
Thanks for swinging by my blog, Alan!
Hehe…I wonder what my little small-town country bank would do if I presented them with foreign currency. Probably pat me on the head and tell me that they didn’t take play money there…ahh, the trials of looking like a very tall four-year-old! 😀 But I’m glad that it seems to have worked out; keeping an eye is a very good idea, though.
Mmm, Greek mythology! That’s my favorite kind, I think, or at least it ties with Celtic. But I must admit, you’re very good at writing Chinese folktales. 🙂 Which means, of course, that as usual, I haven’t helped a bit. 😀
I always value your opinion, Keesa! I adore Greek myths too, but I suspect my next folk tale project will end up being another Asian story. Oh well, if I write enough of them, one of these days maybe I can convince a publisher to put out a “Eugie Foster does Asian folk tales” collection.
Yes! And I shall tell my friends to all buy copies.
Interestingly, nothing I’ve written so far has been Chinese. Lots of Greek (and partly Roman). Some with Russian/German influence. One partly Balinese. I’m hoping that my Greco-Roman stuff has enough ‘spin’ on it to stand out of the crowd (technically, I guess they do…2/4 have sold so far, although my favourite has been through 9 markets and still not sold).
The vagaries of marketing and editorial taste! I don’t get it either. Some of my favorite, and in my opinion, best stories take forever to sell (or are still drifting forlornly from market to market, collecting rejections), while my lighter stuff gets snapped up the first or second time out. Go fig.