Day 4 of my 4-day weekend

Wah! Where did the weekend go? This holiday went by way too fast! Lamentations galore. And yesterday still felt like a Sunday, even though I knew I had today off. Pook. I’m not ready to go back to the office!

The Dragon*Con staff meeting was yesterday. I made an entry in the Dragon*Con LJ community with a scan of the flier they passed out and a call for submissions for the Daily Dragon. Getting pretty jazzed about the convention. James Marsters, Ray Bradbury, Anne McCaffrey, Robert Asprin, Forrest J. Ackerman. Woo! Can’t wait to meet James Marsters. Rrrr.

Went tooling around the area trying to find a new sushi restaurant after the meeting. The wonderful little sushi place around the corner from us has been AWOL for the last several weeks and there’s a sign on their door saying “gone for family emergency.” I can’t imagine a month of not being open for business bodes well for the future success of that place. Damn. They made the best vegetarian sushi and they did a pretty fine Chinese menu too. Found an okay sushi place a few miles down Holcomb Bridge road, but they weren’t as tasty and they were more expensive. Sigh.

Came home and watched Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Marilyn Monroe was quite the hottie.

So far, no re-surge in allergic symptoms. Crossing fingers it stays that way. I guess we’re not going to the Mensa Memorial Day picnic. I don’t really feel like mingling with a bunch of strangers outdoors. And hours outside when my system is feeling sensitive just doesn’t seem like a clever idea.

Writing: zero words, about 10K guilt. Going to try to do some word countage today.

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6 Responses to Day 4 of my 4-day weekend

  1. dwivian says:

    Where did you used to go, and where did you try on HBR?

    • Eugie Foster says:

      We used to go to a little mom & pop restaurant called the Mandarin Café that’s just down the road from us. It had great food and great service for really inexpensive prices. The one we went to yesterday was Fuji Hana and I found the service lackluster as well as the food no more than acceptable. We’ve also been to the tempura place (I can’t remember what it was called, but it had “Tempura” in the name) on Holcomb Bridge, and while we liked it, we found it a bit too greasy for our tastes overall.

      I’m still hoping that the Mandarin Café might make a miraculous recovery, but being closed for a month does not instill confidence.


      • dwivian says:

        Just south on Spaulding, at HBR, across from the Publix, is Sushi Yoshi.

        Great food, if you’re near the Gwinnett border. If not… well, it is worth a drive from time to time. Good prices, great Bento and Yasai Tempura Soba. FYI.

  2. Vegetarian sushi — that is the best. I also love vegetarian chinese food. Here, SJV, they used real gluten meat not tofu to put in some of their chinese cuisine such as Chow Mein, Black Mushroom, etc. Yummy!

  3. dude_the says:


    Oh Mandarin Café, Mandarin Café, wherefore art thou, Mandarin Café? 🙁

    It’s 10:25 on the last day of the long weekend, “Dead Man’s Party” is playing in the background, accomplished much less painting than I had hoped, and Mandarin Café is missing. The French film industry is right, God IS a son of a b*tch.


  4. dude_the says:


    Oh Mandarin Café, Mandarin Café, wherefore art thou, Mandarin Café? 🙁

    It’s 10:25 on the last day of the long weekend, “Dead Man’s Party” is playing in the background, accomplished much less painting than I had hoped, and Mandarin Café is missing. The French film industry is right, God IS a son of a b*tch.


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