Been busier than God at work.
I think it might be making me a bit distracted. I did something last week which I’ve never, ever done before, and I fervently hope I never do anything remotely like again. I came in late, stumbled into the house, and it wasn’t until about an hour later that fosteronfilm went into the mudroom* to check on some laundry and discovered that my car was still going! I’d left the key in the ignition (I’ve never even locked myself out of a car before!) and left the engine running.
In a closed garage.
Zounds. I didn’t notice I didn’t have my keys ’cause the hubby had left the door unlocked for me, as he sometimes does so I don’t have to fumble with keys and backpack when I’m already dog tired. I’m just glad he had laundry going and that he noticed. There’s much badness that could’ve happened there. Meep.
MARTA was evil this morning. Major mechanical difficulties on the sorthbound line stranded me (and a train full of commuters) on 400 for half an hour. Eventually, the MARTA folks got the train limping again and took us to Lindburgh station, whereupon they took the poor thing out of service. Huddled with disgruntled commuters in sub-zero weather on a metro platform designed to let the wind in is not my idea of a good way to spend the morning. The next sorthbound train was, of course, jam-packed, but we shuffled onboard anyway. Squished sardines. Not just plain ole packed sardines, but squished.
*The mudroom is the room between our garage and the rest of the house where our washer and dryer live.

Writing Stuff
New Words:
Amazingly, I managed to hammer out 1300 words for my February Writing for Young Readers column between Friday and Saturday, but then I got an 11th hour postponement. Earlier this month, I sent a couple queries to editors, asking for an interview for my column, and I included the questions (and, of course, an SASE). I didn’t expect to hear back from them, ’cause I sort of assume that unless an editor knows and has worked with someone in the past, the odds of such a request getting their attention and not being circular binned is pretty slim. Editors, after all, are uber busy people. But the one from the Fiction Editor of Boys’ Life, Johnny D. Boggs, came back! So I typed the answers in and sent it off to my column editor, making me, for the first time, ahead of the game, column-wise. I’ve got March’s done and ready to go, and maybe I’ll get the second interview back, which will take care of April, by which time session will be over. Maybe.
– My interview with mroctober is now up at Strange Horizons.
– 8-day “no GUD” from GUD.
– 4-day sale to Murky Depths. Woot! “Cyberevenge Inc.” is slated for their premiere issue. And a big thanks to matt_wallace for inviting me to submit.
– A sneak peek of the cover image by Theo Black of the So Fey anthology edited by mroctober (which will have my story, “Year of the Fox” in it). It’s slated for release this October. Shiny:

Eeep! Good thing he had laundry. Glad everything turned out in the end and everyone is safe.
No kidding! I think I might have a guardian entity, a distinctly laissez-faire one, as bad things still happen to me–like being rear-ended at high speed on 400 during rush hour–but they inevitably turn out in such a way that they could have been much, much worse save by lucky happenstance (i.e. I spun out on the highway, my car was totaled, but I didn’t hit anyone while spinning out of control or sustain any injuries, and the other driver, despite being in the country illegally, was insured.)
That’s really scary about the car.
Total agreement. I can’t believe I did that.
Eek, don’t blow up the car! My folks have a mudroom and they are constantly explaining what it is to people. Also, congrats on Murky Depths! We’re TOC-mates…again. 🙂
Yay for being TOC-mates! And Murky Depths congrats to you, as well!
My pleasure. And I’m not bullshitting even a little when I say that it’s the best story I’ve read as a submissions editor thus far. Can’t wait to see it in issue uno.
I’m very much looking forward to seeing issue #1!
What wonderful good news to offset the unhappy motorist incidents/accidents. The skunk dieties must be watching over you!
I loved the interview of SB and have sent you an email asking permission to send an excerpt to the dc2kwriters group.
D2 this year????
I just told D*C2k7, I would like to be a guest this year.
Dragon*Con 2007
SB, please let me know if you go to D*C 2007 whether as a guest or not. I would love to interview you yet again for the Daily Dragon, the newspaper that our host here edits. You might want to get in touch with Nancy Knight, the moderator/guru of the Writers’ Track and see if she has some panels that might invite your participation as a panelist. Tell her and I pointed you her way. But don’t wait too long: I understand the track fills up rather quickly.
Re: Dragon*Con 2007
Right now the plan is to attend as a guest. I would be more than happy to help out. Thanks 🙂
Re: Dragon*Con 2007
Alas, they rejected my Guest application. 🙁
Re: Dragon*Con 2007
Drat; if you decide to attend anyway, be sure to look me up in the Daily Dragon office. And it’s where hangs out, being the editor and all.
Re: Dragon*Con 2007
The only way I could attend was as a Guest. Too bad, as I do like the con.
The car incident sounds scary. I know what it feels like to be that tired and busy and overwhelmed. Take care of yourself and give your hubbie and hobkin plenty of hugs.
Thanks, sweetie. So far this week, I haven’t done anything on that magnitude of stupid, but I’ve also had a whole weekend’s rest. And the week is still young . . .
Take care of you, too!