JordanCon VI (April 11-13) – JordanCon is a fantasy literature convention founded in honor of the late author, Robert Jordan.
- “Flawed Worlds in Fantasy” – Real societies have problems, so should the ones we create. But how do we address race, sex, and class when writing? With Delilah S Dawson, Patrick Rothfuss, Jana Oliver, Balogun Ojetade, and Eugie Foster. Sat (4/12) 10AM.
- “More Than Just Prose” – Our favorite books are more than just paragraphs strung together. From poetry to songs to hidden word play, what goes into doing it right? With Patrick Rothfuss, Eugie Foster, and Harriet McDougal. Sat (4/12) 11:30AM.
- “How to Polish” – What tools, tips, and tricks are there to taking that first draft up to a final? With Eugie Foster, Idaliz Seymour, Paul Stevens, Toni Weisskopf, Deb Dixon, and Peter Ahlstrom. Sat (4/12) 2:30PM.
- “Fairy Tale Hour” – A look at Fairy Tales in literature, TV, and film. With Jana Oliver, Eugie Foster, and Pat Rothfuss. Sun (4/13) 11:30AM.
OutlantaCon/Gaylaxicon 2014 (May 2 – 4) – “The Southeast’s premiere event for queer nerds.”
Dragon Con 2014 (Aug. 29 – Sept. 1) – The largest, multimedia, popular arts convention in the South—focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film.
Dragon*Con 2013 (Aug. 30 – Sept. 2) – The largest, multimedia, popular arts convention in the South—focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film.
- “High Concept” – There is fantasy and high fantasy. Is there high SF? Fri 1PM, Embassy A-B (Hyatt).
- “YA Short Fiction” – Often short stories fill the gaps in between novels, or offer new character insights. Here’s how YA authors craft these bite-sized tales. Fri 5:30PM, A707 (Marriott).
- “Folklore in Fantasy” – Some stories are timeless, pervading the folklore and mythology of every culture on Earth; fantasy literature is no exception. Sat 5:30PM, Embassy C (Hyatt).
- “The Future of Fantastic Fiction” Mon 4PM, Embassy D-F (Hyatt).
JordanCon V/DeepSouthCon 51 (April 19-21) – JordanCon is a fantasy literature convention founded in honor of the late author, Robert Jordan. DeepSouthCon is the south’s premier regional Science Fiction Convention, held every year in a different southern city. It sponsors the Phoenix and Rebel awards to honor southern fans and writers. Doubletree Hotel, Roswell, Georgia.
AnachroCon 2013 (Feb. 22-24) – The place in the South for Steampunk, History, Alternate History, Sciences, Music, Classic Sci-Fi Literature, and the most amazing costuming you’ve ever seen!
Dragon*Con 2012 (Aug. 31 – Sept. 3) – The largest, multimedia, popular arts convention in the South—focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film.
- “Sex and Romance in SF” -The existence of sex/romance in SF in an overt fashion is relatively new. If there’s too much is it still sf? Too little? Fri 10PM, Greenbriar (Hyatt).
- “Race in SF and Fantasy” – An examination of the way ethnicity is used in science fiction and fantasy literature. Sun 4PM, Fairlie (Hyatt).
- “Short and Not So Sweet Stories” – Help for short story writers from the pros. Sun 7PM, Embassy D-F (Hyatt).
- “Future of Speculative Fiction” – Pros discuss the future of fantasy, SF, paranormal, urban fantasy, and other genres. Mon 4PM, Embassy D-F (Hyatt).
Faerie Escape Atlanta (June 15 – 17) – Three days of conversation, creation, and celebration as we explore the fairy tales of old and the fae of today. Doubletree Hotel NW, Atlanta, Georgia.
- “Fairy Tales, Myth and Psychology” – What is the deep attraction of fairy tales and what do they mean to us? (Subtitle: Grimm, Cambell and Jung Walk into a Bar…) With Andrew Greenberg (m), Honora Foah, Dea Mozingo, Ted Friedman, and Bill Bridges. Sat. (6/16) 10:30AM.
- “Fae in All Their Guises” – The fae is just one term for these beings. What names, forms and meaning do they take around the world? With Honora Foah, IK the Troll, Eugie Foster, Dea Mozingo, and Bill Bridges. Sat. (6/16) 1:30PM.
OutlantaCon 2012 (May 4 – 6) – “The Southeast’s premiere event for queer nerds.”
- “Teen Fiction” – A discussion about the major players in the field; attendees are encouraged to bring up their favorite teen series as well. With Kiernan Kelly and Dennis Upkins. Sat. (5/5) 6PM, Board Room.
- “Job By Day, Writer By Night” – How do our author and filmmaker guests juggle creating fantasy worlds and gay romances at night with computer support, database design, and other mundane careers during the day? There’s got to be some funny stories there. With Shae Connor, Paul Bright, and Dennis Upkins. Sun. (5/6) Noon, Board Room.
JordanCon IV: “Car’a’con” (April 20-22) – A fantasy literature convention founded in honor of the late author, Robert Jordan. Doubletree Hotel, Roswell, Georgia.
- Book signing (with Emilie P. Bush). Fri 2:30-3:30PM, Barrington.
- “Young Adult Literature” Harry Potter, Alcatraz, The Hunger Games, Twilight… why are full-grown adults reading this stuff? With Tiffany Franklin and Rachel Little. Fri 5:30-6:30PM, Goulding C.
- “Keeping it Short” A discussion on the differences in writing short fiction and novels. With Michael Livingston. Sat 1-2PM, Goulding A.
- “The Business” – Our industry professionals talk about what goes on in the publishing world. With Emilie P. Bush, Mary Robinette Kowal, and Paul Stevens. Sun 10-11AM, Goulding A.
- “Folklore and Fairytales” Incorporating myth and tradition into fiction. With Michael Livingston. Sun 1-2PM, Goulding A.
Georgia Tech Science Fiction Symposium (Nov. 17) – The Georgia Tech School of Literature, Communication and Culture is hosting a science fiction symposium to showcase the work Georgia Tech does with science fiction as well as its commitment to science fiction as an art form. I’ll be doing a reading between 4:30-6PM with other Atlanta-based authors, including J.M. McDermott and Chesya Burke.
Dragon*Con 2011 (Sept. 2 – 5) – The largest, multimedia, popular arts convention in the South—focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film.
- “Happy Genre Fiction” with Anya Martin and Jean Rabe. Fri 2:30PM, Fairlie (Hyatt).
- “Characters that Come to Life” with Lynn Abbey, Carole Nelson Douglas, Tracy Hickman, Nancy L. Holder, and John D. Ringo. Sat 5:30AM, Manilla/Singapore/Hong Kong (Hyatt).
- “Writing Short Fiction” with Davey Beauchamp, David B. Coe, Mary Robinette Kowal, Lee Martindale, and Ann VanderMeer. Sat 7PM, Manilla/Singapore/Hong Kong (Hyatt).
OutlantaCon/Gaylaxicon 2011 (May 13 – 15) – The Atlanta-based geekvent for GLBTO fans.
- “Marketing and Publicity” – A look at how to make the public aware of your work and create an audience. With Keith Hartman. Sun (5/15) 11AM-Noon, Centennial III.
Frolicon 2011 – (April 21-24) An adult oriented (21+) science fiction convention held every Easter Weekend in Atlanta.
- “Ask a Writer” – What do you want to know about how writers do what they do? With Trinity, Stacia Kane, Shakir Rahsaan, and Nikita. Fri (4/22) 11AM-12:30PM, Boardroom.
- “The Next Big Thing: Trends and Trendiness” – What trends and fads are in genre-land. With Shakir Rahsaan, Cherie Priest, and Stacia Kane. Fri (4/22) 4:15-5:45PM, Boardroom.
- “YA: Not just for kids anymore” – Anyone who thinks books for “young adults” are tame and boring, doesn’t know anything about the genre. With Trinity, Lord Cailleach, and Cecilia Tan. Sat (4/23) 4:15-5:45PM, Frankfurt.
JordanCon 2011 (April 15-17) – A fan-led convention honoring the works of Robert Jordan and other notable authors of the genre. Crowne Plaza Ravinia, Atlanta, Georgia.
- “Writing for the Younger Crowd” Fri (4/15) 4PM, Azalea Rm (with Jana Oliver).
- “The [Writing] Industry” Fri (4/15) 5:30PM, Azalea Rm (with Jana Oliver and David Coe)
- Book Signing, Sat (4/16) 1PM, Camellia Rm
- “Crafting the Perfect Villain” Sun (4/17) 10AM, Azalea Rm (with David Coe)
Dragon*Con 2010 (Sept. 3 – 6) – The largest, multimedia, popular arts convention in the South—focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film.
- Friday 9/3, Noon: Guest lecture for Ann Crispin’s Beginner Writers Workshop, “Marketing Short Fiction.”
- Saturday 9/4, 1:00 PM – “Outside Our Shores” There are lots of influences on SF and fantasy these days, not just American/Western. Let’s discuss the best and worst of these. Greenbriar (Hyatt)
- Sunday 9/5, 6:00 AM – “Live Hugo Awards Breakfast” Join Hugo Award nominees at Kafe Köbenhavn to listen to the results come in live, direct from the Hugo Ceremony in Melbourne, Australia.
- Sunday 9/5, 11:30 AM – “What Women Want” What women want to see in their genre reading. Greenbriar (Hyatt)
Faerie Escape: Atlanta (Aug. 14-15) – A celebration and exploration of the mythology and fairy tales of old and the fae of today.
- Friday 8/13, 7:00 PM – “Gathering of the Summer Court” in the hotel lobby.
- Saturday 8/14, 4:30 PM – “Seeing Through Enchanted Eyes” How do you awaken your imagination into another world? How do you bring a world to life through paint, film, photography or words? With John Bridges, Orion Foxwood, Stu Jenks, and Lisa Stock in Piedmond.
- Sunday 8/15, 1:00 PM – “Servitude, Kidnapping and Adventure: Into the Other Place” When do people enter into Faerie and why? Once they do, what awaits them? With Bill Bridges, Ellen Kushner, Larissa Niec, and Delia Sherman in Chastain.
Sci Fi Summer Con (June 11 – 13) – “The official start of summer Sci-Fi S.E. fandom.”
Nebula Awards Weekend (May 14 – 16) – Presentation of the 2009 Nebula Awards at the Hilton Cocoa Beach Oceanfront hotel in Cocoa Beach, Florida.
I won the Nebula Award for Best Novelette!
* Blog entries: 5/15 (Atlantis shuttle launch), 5/16, 5/16 (pictures), 5/17 (weekend summary)
OutlantaCon 2010 (April 30 – May 2) – The Atlanta-based geekvent for GLBTO fans. Press Release
- Friday 4/30, 7PM: “Meet the Guests/Opening Ceremonies” – Mingle with the con attendees as well as some opening remarks by the Con Committee and the Guests of Honour.
- Saturday 5/1, Noon: “Social Activism” – Seemingly traction is being gained across the US for Queer Rights but what can you do to help? What is the most effective use of your energies?
- Saturday 5/1, 4PM: “Getting the word OUT” – I love what I read/see/hear in Queer Speculative Fiction but how do I tell everyone? How can I keep my favorite authors in print or TV/Movie producers putting out new material?
- Saturday 5/1, 6PM: “Beware of Homophonbes, Homophobes Beware” – Would you boycott purchasing an anthology that had writers you like in it, just because one story was by a known, vehement homophobe? Would you refuse to submit to a publication that included homophobic writers?
Frolicon 2010 (April 1-4) – An adult oriented (21+) science fiction convention held every Easter Weekend in Atlanta.
- Friday 4/2, 11AM-12:30PM: “Ask a Writer: Craft” – Whether you’re struggling with characters who won’t do what you want, a plot that doesn’t seem to want to come together, difficulties making your words flow the way you want, etc., come ask our panel of writers how they do what they do. (Cancun)
- Saturday 4/3, 4:15-5:45PM: “Writing Sex Scenes” – No matter what genre you write, sometimes your plot is going to take your characters into a sex scene. How do you decide what level of explicitness works? How do you keep the language from either devolving into crudeness or coming out sounding medical? There’s a lot more work involved in making them arouse the reader than simply insert-tab-A-into-slot-B. (Frankfurt)
Dragon*Con 2009 (Sept. 4 – 7) – The largest, multimedia, popular arts convention in the South—focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film.
I’ll have Anthology Builder scavenger hunt buttons to give away. Collect them for free anthologies and gift certificates (download the PFD flyer):

- Friday 9/4 Noon: Guest lecturer for Ann Crispin’s Beginner Writers Workshop, “Marketing Short Fiction.”
- Saturday 9/5, 1PM: “Y’all vs. You Guys: Regional SF and Fantasy” – Southern science fiction/fantasy is often a genre to itself. Other parts of the world have their own flavor. Fairlie (Hyatt).
- Saturday 9/5, 4PM: Autograph signing. M301-M304 (Marriott).
- Sunday 9/6, 2:30PM: “Bite Me!” – The First Ladies of the Fang discuss trends in Vampire fiction…and maybe more! (Moderator) With Charlaine Harris, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, and Sherrilyn Kenyon. Regency VI – VII (Hyatt).
OutlantaCon 2009 – May 1 – 3. The new Atlanta-based geekvent for GLBTO fans.
* Blog entry & write-up in Fantasy Magazine Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
- Saturday 5/2 10AM: “No Laughing Matter: Writing Humor in Gay Romance” with Keirnan Kelly and Kayelle Allen. Main Programming.
- Saturday 5/2 3PM: “Literature As Activism” with J.M. McDermott and Andy Mangels. Main Programming.
Frolicon 2009 – April 9-12. An adult oriented (21+) science fiction convention held every Easter Weekend in Atlanta.
- Friday 4/11 11AM: “How to Write Sex In SF/Fantasy” with Mike D’Ambrosio and Lauren P. Burka. Frankfurt Room.
- Friday 4/11 4:15PM: “Erotica and Science Fiction/Fantasy: A Perfect Match?” with Mike D’Ambrosio and Kate Vassar. Jamaica Room
Dragon*Con 2008 (Aug. 29 – Sept. 1) – America’s largest, multi-media, popular arts convention—focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film.
- Friday 8/29 Noon: Guest lecturer for Ann Crispin’s Beginner Writers Workshop, “Marketing Short Fiction.”
- Sunday 8/31 5:30PM: “Writing for Small Presses and Magazines” with Mur Lafferty, Deborah Smith, and Lee Martindale, Manila/Singapore/Hong Kong (Hyatt).
Reading at Outwrite Bookstore & Coffeehouse (991 Piedmont Avenue;Atlanta, GA. 404-607-0082) – Thur. Oct. 4, 8PM with Spectrum Award finalist Catherine Ludoff and Lambda Award finalist author and editor Steve Berman.
I’ll be reading an excerpt of my story “Year of the Fox” in So Fey.
Dragon*Con 2007 (Aug. 31 – Sept. 3) – America’s largest, multi-media, popular arts convention—focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film.
* Blog entry part I & part II (with pictures)
- Friday 8/31 Noon: Guest lecturer for Ann Crispin’s Beginner Writers Workshop, “Marketing Short Fiction.”
- Friday 8/31 4:00PM: “Villains and Bad Boys of YA” with Davey Beauchamp, Cassandra Clare, Holly Black, and Kathleen David. Gwinnett (Hilton).
- Saturday 9/1 Noon: Volunteer Vixens Calendar signing. Exhibit Hall (Hilton).
- Saturday 9/1 2:30PM: Dragon*Reading, Roswell (Hyatt).
- Sunday 9/2 11:30AM: “Oh, the Horror of It” with Keith R.A. DeCandido, Bill Fogarty, Lloyd Kaufman, and Jack Ketchum. Manilla/Singapore (Hyatt).
Also the debut of Volunteer Vixens of Dragon*Con 2008, a charity calendar to benefit the American Diabetes Association.
Mobicon 10 – May 18-20, 2007. Mobile, Alabama’s own science fiction, fantasy, anime, gaming, comic, & party convention.
* Blog entry part I & part II (with pictures)
- Friday 5/18, 7:30PM – Meet-and-Greet with all Mobicon guests in Jasmine 2 & 3.
- Saturday 5/19, 10:30AM – Writers for Relief II with Davey Beauchamp in Magnolia 1.
- Saturday 5/19, 4PM – Worldbuilding in Sci-Fi and Fantasy with Davey Beauchamp, Sharon Green, Chris Jackson, Debbora Wiles, & Linda Baker in Magnolia 1 & 2.
- Saturday 5/19, 6PM – Editors: The Other Side of Writing with Davey Beauchamp in Panel Room 5.
- Sunday 5/20, 10AM – Sunday Morning Hangover: Bad Convention Experiences with all guests not too hungover to attend in Jasmine 2 & 3.
Dragon*Con 2006 (Sept. 1-4):
* Blog entry.
- Friday 9/1, 11AM – Guest lecturer for Ann Crispin’s Beginner Writers workshop, “Marketing Short Fiction.”
- Friday 9/1, 5:30PM – So You Want to Write a Kid’s Book? with Shane Berryhill, Alan Gratz, Holly Black, & Cassy Clare in Sydney (Marriott).
- Friday 9/1, 10PM – Shriek! Finding the Horror in Horrible with Holly Black, Eric Griffin, Sherilyn Kenyon, Cherie Priest, & Steve Antczakin in Manilla/Singapore (Hyatt).
- Saturday 9/2 11:30AM – YA and Children’s Literature with Diana G. Gallagher, Anthony R. Karnowski, Rebecca Moesta, Brad Strickland, Berta Platas, Eldon Thompson, & Michelle Roperin in Manilla/Singapore (Hyatt).
- Saturday 9/2, 4PM – The Power of the Old Stories: Mythology and Folklore in YA with Josepha Sherman, Holly Black, & Heidi Heiner in Sydney (Marriott).
- Saturday 9/2, 6PM – Reading in Williams (Hyatt).
Frolicon 2006 – “A lighthearted convention for creative, open-minded people to relax, enjoy, and express themselves.” April 13-16 at the Crowne Plaza, Atlanta.
- Friday 4/14, 11AM (Lombard 1) – Writer’s for Relief. With Davey Beauchamp and Toni Stauffer.
- Saturday 4/15, 3:30PM (Lombard 1) – Fairytales and Folklore in Modern Dark/Horror Fiction. With Davey Beauchamp and Toni Stauffer.
- Saturday 4/15, 5PM (Lombard 1) – Twisted Relationships in Fiction. With Davey Beauchamp and Toni Stauffer.
Aberrant Dreams signing at Oxford Comics & Games – February 4, 2006 with Gerald W. Page, Rob Shelsky, and Jenny Ladner.
* Blog entry.
Dragon*Con 2005 (Sept. 2-5) – Guest lecturer for Ann Crispin’s Beginner Writers workshop, and “Young Adult Literature Track” panelist and guest.
- Thursday noon – Guest lecturer for Ann Crispin’s Beginner Writers workshop, “The Secret to Having your Short Fiction Published.”
- Friday 9/2, 8:30PM – Censorship: Who should decide what’s appropriate for kids or teens to read? With Kathleen David, Jo Sherman, and Todd McCaffrey.
- Saturday 9/3, 1:00PM – So, You Want to Write a Kid’s Book. With Kathleen David, Jo Sherman, Donita K. Paul, and Paul Alan Gratz.
- Sunday 9/4, 10:00AM – Urban Fantasy and Faeries. With Phil Brucato, Scott Haven, and Jo Sherman
Fantasm 2005 – March 17-20. Debut and signing of my chapbook, Inspirations End/Still My Beating Heart (published by Scrybe Press), and “Ink Track” panelist and guest.
* Blog entries: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3.
Dragon*Con 2004 (Sept. 3-6) – Guest lecturer for Ann Crispin’s Beginner Writers workshop, and “Writer’s Track” and “Young Adult Literature Track” panelist and guest.
* Blog entry.
Fantasm 2004 – April 9-11. Debut and signing of my chapbook, Ascendancy of Blood (published by Scrybe Press), and “Ink Track” panelist and guest.
Dragon*Con 2003 (Aug. 29-Sept. 1) – Debut and signing of the Hitting the Skids in Pixeltown anthology containing my award-winning story, “All in My Mind” (edited by Orson Scott Card and published by Phobos Books), and “Writer’s Track” panelist.
* Pictures and blog entries.