I’m feeling better, although still not 100%. But Hobkin is now officially sick. He keeps making these snuffly, snoggy noises with his nose, and he was pretty uncertain about his breakfast this morning. I think he couldn’t smell it and didn’t realize it was food. Once I got him started (I bribed him with a cookie), he fell to with enthusiasm, but until then, he kept giving me these dubious “I know what breakfast smells like, woman, and this ain’t it!” looks.
What do small animals do when they have stuffy noses? They can’t take Sudafed or cough drops, and they can’t even blow their noses. Poor Hobkin!

Writing Stuff:
Received notice that a submission I sent them made it past the first round at Andromeda’s Spaceway’s Inflight Magazine. Also that a story I sent to the Razor-edged Arcanum anthology has been short-listed. Crossing fingers that both turn into juicy sales.
Finished the Critters critiques I started yesterday and completed another one on top of that. Still would like to get a couple more written before this batch clears.
Did a once over on the stories that were rejected yesterday and have boomeranged them both back out into the cold, cruel world.
Also managed several passes on the new SF story. End result: a cut of over 800 words. Tossed it up on Critters. Not sure if it’ll make it to this week’s batch or not.
Oh no, poor little guy! At the sanctuary, we had to keep a close eye on the cats who had upper respiratory infections because if they can’t smell then they won’t eat and then all sorts of problems pop up. :/
This might sound silly but having a humidifier in the room seemed to help some of the snuffly kitties. Antibiotics helped greatly also but if it isn’t anything severe then I’d let his own immune system work on it.
*hugs for Hobkin*
Oh no, poor little guy! At the sanctuary, we had to keep a close eye on the cats who had upper respiratory infections because if they can’t smell then they won’t eat and then all sorts of problems pop up. :/
This might sound silly but having a humidifier in the room seemed to help some of the snuffly kitties. Antibiotics helped greatly also but if it isn’t anything severe then I’d let his own immune system work on it.
*hugs for Hobkin*
Thanks for the suggestion, sweetie (and the sympathy skunk huggins). Unfortunately, I don’t think we have a humidifier anymore. We used to kill at least one a year when we lived in the arid Midwest, but with it being so humid down south here, we pitched all of them when we moved. Maybe we can rig some steam therapy, though . . .
As long as he’s eating, I think he’ll be okay. But the second his appetite slacks off, he gets whisked to the vet for a course of antibiotics, most definitely.
Thanks for the suggestion, sweetie (and the sympathy skunk huggins). Unfortunately, I don’t think we have a humidifier anymore. We used to kill at least one a year when we lived in the arid Midwest, but with it being so humid down south here, we pitched all of them when we moved. Maybe we can rig some steam therapy, though . . .
As long as he’s eating, I think he’ll be okay. But the second his appetite slacks off, he gets whisked to the vet for a course of antibiotics, most definitely.
Remember, just because it’s humid here in the summer doesn’t mean it is in the winter. In fact, I’ve read that humidity levels can get as low as 22% or so in the winter around here — that’s less humid than the Sahara! I’d say go ahead and invest in a humidifier. We have two of the “warm mist” kind, which seem to work well.
Remember, just because it’s humid here in the summer doesn’t mean it is in the winter. In fact, I’ve read that humidity levels can get as low as 22% or so in the winter around here — that’s less humid than the Sahara! I’d say go ahead and invest in a humidifier. We have two of the “warm mist” kind, which seem to work well.
they told me to give spainy benedryl for her “creature comforts” when she gets snuffly during the winter. can skunks take it also? it’s very safe (so far as i know).
they told me to give spainy benedryl for her “creature comforts” when she gets snuffly during the winter. can skunks take it also? it’s very safe (so far as i know).
We’ve got some children’s liquid benadryl (tastes like bubblegum) for Hobkin, recommended by the vet in case of allergic badness, so it’s safe for him. Hmm, that’s a thought . . .
We’ve got some children’s liquid benadryl (tastes like bubblegum) for Hobkin, recommended by the vet in case of allergic badness, so it’s safe for him. Hmm, that’s a thought . . .
I second Cherie’s comment. Benedryl is considered a very safe drug, even for babies, and it’s deffinitely given to cats (as much for the sedative affect as for the antihystamine). It’s nearly impossable to OD. It will probably make him sleepy, though.
I second Cherie’s comment. Benedryl is considered a very safe drug, even for babies, and it’s deffinitely given to cats (as much for the sedative affect as for the antihystamine). It’s nearly impossable to OD. It will probably make him sleepy, though.
We have a humidifier for the ferrets and it helps them a lot.
Also, ferret RX (made by Marshall’s) smells like.. vicks vapor rub. We put some in their bedding (or humidifier when they need it) and it clears them right up. It’s probably safe for skunks, and you can get it at Petco, and probably Petsmart. 🙂
We have a humidifier for the ferrets and it helps them a lot.
Also, ferret RX (made by Marshall’s) smells like.. vicks vapor rub. We put some in their bedding (or humidifier when they need it) and it clears them right up. It’s probably safe for skunks, and you can get it at Petco, and probably Petsmart. 🙂