My senior editor showed me an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that has me fretting a bit:
“All four of the Georgia State University students attacked by a band of robbers near the school’s campus in the past month are Asian, police said Wednesday.
“The students, three males and one female, were robbed in three different incidents near the MARTA station in the Five Points area, according to police reports.” (Read the article.)
So yah, aside from the obvious Asian thing, Five Points is the MARTA station that I transfer rail lines at every day. I’m not freaking out because the robberies were around the station, not in it. According to terracinque, the MARTA stations and trains are among the safest places in the Metro Atlanta area, and I can well believe that. The stations are always chock full of security guards and cameras, and the trains seem well-patrolled. Plus I always ride during the daily rush, so there’s always plenty of people around. But it did give me pause for stewing.

Writing Stuff
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New Words/Editing:
– Shook out a story that has been waiting for another editing pass or three before going back out to market and am spit-shining it. I wasn’t appalled that it had seen an editor or two, although it did/does need some tightening.
– A note from GrendelSong‘s editor, Paul Jessup, announcing that tomorrow, GrendelSong is having an online release party at the the GrendelSong website and his blog to celebrate its premiere issue (which will contain my story, “Shim Chung the Lotus Queen,” as well as fiction by Forrest Aguirre, Stephanie Burgis, Samantha Henderson (samhenderson), E. Sedia (squirrel-monkey), and Jay Lake (jaylake), among others). There’ll be a podcast with Jay Lake reading his short story, “The Best of Men, The Best of Times,” and some spiffy images. Couldn’t ask for a better time, except maybe if there was free cake. So be sure to check it out.
– An email from my Cricket editor letting me know that “The Snow Woman’s Daughter” is slated for their Feb. ’07 issue. Shiny!
There’s also a LOT of construction that’s going on outside the Five Points station, and I think all that diverted traffic is contributing to the situation.
By the way, did you hear a cable came loose inside the South Bound tunnel this morning?? My train ran over the thing and it arc’d against the 3rd rail. We had sparks that were higher than the roof of the train, not to mention the bumpity-bumping as the train’s wheels bounced over the cable. Must have been a pretty strong cable not to get sheared off!
OMG! A cable came loose? Y’know, I’m thinking that MARTA might need some major maintenance overhauls . . .