Writing Stuff
Did much writing work stuff yesterday with very little actual words happening. Caught up on some Tangent work, sundry bookkeeping, completed and sent off the answers for my Aberrant Dreams interview, and wrote several crits and thank you notes for Critters.
– Confirmation of payment (in euros) from my bank from Faeries for “The Storyteller’s Wife.” And I got my contrib. copies! It’s a lovely digest-sized, glossy publication. Very nice production values. But my French skills are balking at my efforts to read it.
– A copy of the Writers for Relief anthology. Another glossy, gorgeous product with beoootiful cover art.
– An email (214-day rt) informing me of a Greek reprint SALE and publication of “When the Lights Go Out” to Ennea (9). It was published in issue #279 (week of 11/23/2005). This story first appeared in issue #5/6 of the UK ‘zine Here & Now. It’s my second sale to Ennea, and their operating procedure is to notify authors after they publish your story, and then they email you a contract/invoice to collect your pay. It’s different, but hey, whatever. The first sale involved some oddity with their check when I tried to cash it due to a Greek bank strike. This time, I think I’ll go with the direct bank-to-bank deposit route.
I’m having a very good week. Three sales in six days! That might be a record for me.
New Words: 100ish on “Rue and Ruin” in a couple editing passes. Beginning my rewrite from Critters feedback. Overall, folks seem to like it, but want me to make my antagonist more three-dimensional–an exceedingly valid suggestion. But also something that requires serious pondering. Plus, I’m somewhat mortified at the number of typos critters have discovered in my manuscript. Doh!
Hm. Can they do that? IE, print and then send you the contract? Have you given them the rights to do so? Seems a bit odd…
It is unusual, but they buy Greek language reprint rights, which I’m not exactly doing anything with anyway. It’s pretty much found money for me.
I was indeed startled when I made my first sale to them, but as they did pay me and send my contrib. copies as they stipulated, not to mention they put out a nice product and pay decent rates, I don’t have a problem with their business model.
Just seems a bit presumptuous that they would print before getting your “go ahead” so to speak. I mean, what happens to your right to veto the sale if it’s an unsavoury publication (not saying it is, but it’s a what-if scenario)? 🙂
Oh, and to clarify, I initiated the transaction. I sent them a manuscript to consider. It’s not like they just snagged a story I’d published from somewhere and then re-published it out of the blue.
OH, okay. That makes WAY more sense.
Go you on all the sales!
Thanks, sweetie!
Great news on the sales! Consider the typos a “good catch” and do better next time. It’s okay. You have my permission to be human every once and a while.
woo congrats on the sales! And how cool to get paid in euros!
I’m trying to understand how the whole writing business thing works because virtually everyone I know is suddenly a writer (sans me).
But I do understand Commission. So many, many congrats to you!!
Oh, and that icon? My favorite thus far.
Congrats, Eugie! That’s awesome!!
That’s a heckuva lineup in Writers for Relief! Congratulations!