9th Annual ADSA Supreme Skunk Show!

Dazed, exhausted, elated, and terribly, terribly amused. That’s me. Oh, and a little chagrined tossed in to boot. The skunk show was a blast. We saw a slew of cute and fuzzy skunk noses, and got to gab with great skunk people like puskunk and alijt.

Hobkin was, in turns, a demon pit fiend bent upon destruction, and a darling angel. AND, he’s an award winner! We didn’t expect him to come home with anything but an exciting experience and some new friendships, but he won FOUR ribbons!

He won third place in the Overall Conformation adult division, third place in the Chocolate Chip color class, Best in Show first runner up (2nd place) Chocolate Chip color class, and first place Prettiest Tail adult division!

Although he tanked in the Friendliness category. He totally loved on three of the judges, and, of course, hissed and snapped at the fourth one of them, and then growled and nipped the last one (I mentioned being chagrined, didn’t I?). Sigh. Devil and angel, all wrapped up in a fuzzy package, that’s our Hobkin. One of the judges also commented that he could stand to lose a pound or so, which we knew. Poor Hobkin’s chubby!

Now, I’m totally exhausted, Matthew’s flopped over on the couch, and Hobkin’s napping under his hutch.

So here’s a bunch of skunk show Pictures, lots of ’em (warning for slow loading connections):

(Edit: After a restful night’s sleep, I updated Hobkin’s pages at Musta-lay-day Grove, click HERE for pix and more skunk show write-up).


Being a darling for two judges.

His sweet face.

His first place tail.

Tuckered out from all the excitement.


Costume Contest:

Skunks and people:

Hobkin’s godmother and her award-winning Maverick!

puskunk and I believe that’s Luke.

More Beautiful Skunks:

Must sleep now. I’m so proud of my beautiful fuzzwit.

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8 Responses to 9th Annual ADSA Supreme Skunk Show!

  1. m0nkeygrl says:

    So cute!!! Congratulations to Hobkin.

  2. Wow!! I’m so proud of him. Bet you’re so proud as a parent. He’s beautiful.

  3. quasiskunk says:

    Yay for tails!!!!

    Don’t know how I missed this post, but Congrats to you and Hobkin! He really looks adorable in those pics.

  4. puskunk says:

    Hobkin is a great skunk, he aced the conformation and color classes. Mine weren’t quite up to snuff this year, and yes, that is me above with my big boy, Luke.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      I’m still in a state of stunned at how well Hobkin did. We really didn’t expect him to win or place or anything!

      I can’t believe Luke’s that much heavier than Hobkin. Luke carries his weight really well, the cutie.

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