New chemo cocktail kicking my ass. Utterly wiped. Sleep is good, though. 'Course, so's eating, which is far less appealing #CopingWithCancer08:54:21, 2014-04-14
Immune system reviving from last round of chemo & as usual is now attacking me: fever spiking, muscles ache, stupid human suit is stupid >.< 18:20:59, 2014-04-19
Doctor called, biopsy results in. He wants me in the hospital today, now, to start R-ICE chemo immediately. More details as we have it. 16:48:52, 2014-04-08
Port installation being postponed so they can release me tonight after last infusion. So I *should* still be able to make #Jordoncon! Woot! 10:20:50, 2014-04-11
Released from the hospital! But couple hours later than original estimate. Means I must cancel out of my 10AM #JordanCon panel tomorrow. 🙁 23:52:46, 2014-04-11
Yay, I'm at #JordanConInc! 1st panel w/ Patrick Rothfuss & Harriet McDougal *packed*. Tired, not at most articulate but so glad to be here. 13:34:53, 2014-04-12
Seems the Cipro antibiotic, one of the meds I was sent home with, has blurred my vision. Can't focus on anything further than 3 feet away. 19:50:37, 2014-04-12
Between "I can't see clearly anymore" support meds side effects & new chemo flattening me, I can't make my Sunday #JordanCon panel. Dammit. 08:56:48, 2014-04-13
Site of biopsy bleeding, doesn't want to stop. Have call in w/dr, see if need to re-cauterized it. Also, oops, Aleve is a blood thinner. >.< 12:16:33, 2014-04-03
Captain America: Winter Soldier was awesome! Was it better than Avengers? Probably not. But better than Iron Man 3 and Thor 2? Totes! 18:09:18, 2014-04-05
Vicodin, Percocet, Aleve barely cutting the pain now. Back to just wanting to be unconscious. Stupid human suit is stupid. #CopingWithCancer20:31:23, 2014-04-06
Still winded taking stairs to office but am now driving self to MARTA station. I remember which pedal is for "go" and which for "stop" even. 16:40:14, 2014-03-24
Gleep! I didn't realize "Trixie and the Pandas of Dread" was up for Best of Escape Pod Episode of 2013! Wow. Voting ends April 2nd! Vote… 16:45:18, 2014-03-25
Last lumbar puncture chemo infusion done. Yay! Waiting the obligatory half hour prone, then going home. It's been a long day at Winship. 16:59:14, 2014-03-18
PET scan and labwork accomplished. Doctor's waiting room waiting now. PET tech said it'd be three days before scan results come in. Urk. 10:41:04, 2014-03-18
300 words & full editing pass on story began this weekend: less raw, scene gap filled, zero draft solidified. A lil thing, 2.1K words total. 20:30:30, 2014-03-17
1.8K words & zero draft in one sitting. Raw with a sketchy scene gap that needs filling, but the 1st thing I've written since I've been sick 13:15:21, 2014-03-15
First day back to work achievement unlocked! Felt like I was constantly out of breath and dizzy, but today was better than yesterday. 18:12:31, 2014-03-10
ALL cultures & test results came back negative, so diagnosis now is JUST flare-up, with the nodules in lungs being inflammation. 20:10:26, 2014-03-07
Steroid injection totally did the trick. All my numbers are dramatically better. Don't need a transfusion. Talk of releasing me soon. 10:29:32, 2014-03-07
We have a preliminary diagnosis. Chest CT & x-ray showed numerous nodules in lungs.Fungal infection likeliest. Targeted treatmnt to commence 15:59:33, 2014-03-06
My hemoglobin counts are way low. So low I might need a transfusion. They keep drawing HUGE vials of blood for more testing. Anemia paradox! 12:28:03, 2014-03-06
Still having terrible fevers. Last night hit over 104F briefly. Chest CT scan done, lotso labs drawn. Waiting for results. #CopingWithCancer19:06:28, 2014-03-05
Always find it hard enough sleeping in hospitals but seems like every time I managed to nod off last night, a nurse would come in. 🙁 07:27:36, 2014-03-05
Not neutropenic but doctor doesn't know what's causing the fever spikes, so in case it's an infection, being admitted to the hospital. Again 15:23:14, 2014-03-04
Fever breaking so not heading to the ER. Going to Emory tomorrow to have labs done, means not going in to work, dammit. #CopingWithCancer01:17:47, 2014-03-04
Fever spiked to nearly 104F. Shouldn't still be neutropenic so think this round of chemo triggered a flare-up. Talking to on-call doctor now 00:58:36, 2014-03-04
First day back to work this chemo cycle. Too. Many. Stairs. *gasp pant wheeze* But am really glad I made it in. #CopingWithCancer 5:31 PM, 14 Feb 2014
Light, freezing rain; the icefall begins. Amusing that winter storm staples to Georgians is apparently French toast fixings: bread eggs milk 5:27 AM, 12 Feb 2014
Official word from the Speaker’s Office: House offices (and ditto my office) will be closed Wed-Thurs (wait-n-see Fri). #Atlanta #GA 12:22 PM, 11 Feb 2014
Just ancd by Governor’s office: state employees living N of I-20 & outside I-285 should leave now. All other employees should leave at noon. 10:39 AM, 11 Feb 2014
Can’t seem to shake this fever. Not going in to work tomorrow, either. 🙁 At least we’re avoiding snowmageddon2-2014. #CopingWithCancer 12:39 AM, 11 Feb 2014
Had to concede to fever I’ve been battling all weekend, so am not returning to work tomorrow. Dammit. Hoping for Tuesday. #CopingWithCancer 9:07 PM, 9 Feb 2014
Took three needle sticks to find a robust enough vein, but chemo round five done! Whew. One more to go. #CopingWithCancer 4:40 PM, 31 Jan 2014
RT: @NathanBurgoine My #FridayReads – Bingo book is @eugiefoster’s “Returning My Sister’s Face and Other Far Eastern Tales of Whimsy and Malice” 9:59 AM, 31 Jan 2014
Ow. Between chemo sessions and my last hospital stay, seems I’m running out of good vein real estate to be jabbed in. >.< #CopingWithCancer 9:29 AM, 31 Jan 2014
Due to snow/ice, chemo appointment yesterday postponed, so heading out to chemo round 5 now. 8:48 AM, 31 Jan 2014
Just retrieved abandoned car with @MatthewMFoster. Roads seem to be much better but still patches of ice. Going back under electric blanket. 2:32 PM, 29 Jan 2014
Hot soup had & snuggled under electric blanket now. Governor’s office has declared all government offices closed tomorrow. Totes sleeping in 12:37 AM, 29 Jan 2014
Abandoned car, walked half mile in snow and ice, and @MatthewMFoster and I are now finally HOME! Brr. *shiver shiver* 10:37 PM, 28 Jan 2014
STILL not home yet. Little over five miles yet to go, will probably take over an hour, and roads are definitely getting icy. O.o 6:23 PM, 28 Jan 2014
Now with @MatthewMFoster on gridlock 400N making our way home from North Springs MARTA station. Gah. 3:02 PM, 28 Jan 2014
Then herded us back to train station to catch single track line. Incredibly packed train. (Do not think counts as avoiding crowds.) 3:00 PM, 28 Jan 2014
First MARTA sent us to take a bus to next station so spent twenty minutes in snow waiting for bus that never came… 2:59 PM, 28 Jan 2014
Snow in Atlanta. Office closed early. Gridlock traffic so decided to take MARTA train home. Aand…was a fire on the northbound line. 2:57 PM, 28 Jan 2014
1st chemo-affected legislative session workweek accomplished. Exhausted but feeling productive. Now for weekend on couch! #CopingWithCancer 6:03 PM, 24 Jan 2014
1st day back to work after 4th chemo round kicked my ass but also big sense of accomplishment. Home now. I flop on couch. #CopingWithCancer 7:36 PM, 21 Jan 2014
Last labs showed my white blood counts have rebounded, cultures still clean. I’m being discharged! Woohoo, going home! #CopingWithCancer 2:25 PM, 19 Jan 2014
Have seen doctor. Chest x-rays clean, cultures not growing, could be virus. More tests ordered. Remaining in Emory. Sigh. #CopingWithCancer 1:14 PM, 18 Jan 2014
Still have low-grade fever. Still haven’t seen physician team. On antibiotic drip. Chest X-rays ordered, though. #CopingWithCancer 10:58 AM, 18 Jan 2014
So my doctor’s decided to admit me to the hospital. Sigh. #CopingWithCancer 4:59 PM, 17 Jan 2014
Playing fever yo-yo, spiked up again. Heading to hospital now with @MatthewMFoster for labwork. #CopingWithCancer 1:40 PM, 17 Jan 2014
Yay and whew. I have been delivered a health release from the onus of jury duty! #CopingWithCancer 8:46 AM, 17 Jan 2014
Fever is dropping. Still have to keep an eye on symptoms but looks like no ER visit tonight. Whew. #CopingWithCancer 5:16 PM, 16 Jan 2014
Spiked a fever. Trying to avoid an ER visit so I’m taking one Tylenol to see if fever drops or continues to rise. Ugh. #CopingWithCancer 4:13 PM, 16 Jan 2014
First Day 1of the Georgia Legislative Session in 7 years of working for the GGA that I have to miss and stay home. Waah! #CopingWithCancer 8:23 AM, 13 Jan 2014