Slept well, despite some strange dreams. Took some Rooibos Lemon Twist to work, herbal tea instead of green. Feeling much better today. I’m such a creature of habit.
Watched Bend It Like Beckham courtesy of Netflix last night. Enjoyable, but nothing to rave about. I liked listening to the commentary. Gave me more insight into Indian family culture.

Writing Stuff:
“Second Daughter” is now up at Story Station. Hurray! I quite like this little folk tale. I’m glad it’s been so positively received by so many editors. And as soon as the Story Station folks pay me, it’ll have earned $.03/word, total. Not too shabby.
Write a review for Tangent of the new Sci-Fiction story “Jumpers” by Mary Rosenblum and sent it to my editor.
Queried Abyss & Apex on a story of mine they’ve had for two months now. Normally I’d wait longer, but their response times are usually so quick, plus they’ve been having email issues, so I wanted to make sure a reply hadn’t gotten lost into the virtual ether.
Also sent a reprint story for consideration to 9, my first submission to them. They’re the biggest Greek language paper, a weekly, and they print one SF story in each issue. They translate English language stories to Greek and are receptive to reprints, although they buy all rights to their translation. And so I stick a tentative toe into the non-English language publication pool. Hope the water’s nice.
And, holy moly, I saw on the Wildside Press bulletin Board that H.P. Lovecraft’s Magazine of Horror is in the process of getting a new distribution deal which will put an extra 15,000 copies out on the newsstands starting with issue #2. Now I’m getting all excited about when “Within Your Soul I Sightless See” will appear in it! That’s some nice circulation figures.