Wingstubs hurt. Much writing to do. So here’s a picture of Hobkin from last night. He climbed up and flopped his head on my foot:
He stayed like this until my foot and leg fell asleep, and I was forced to move him. I set him at his more customary position at my side, where he was more than happy to resume his nap.
I am naught but a skunk pillow.

Writing Stuff
The interview lynnejamneck did with me is now up at Strange Horizons.
– Request from Amy Boxio-Andrews to interview me for Absolute Write. Of course I said “yes.”
New Words:
– 930 on the Fox Princess novel.
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Awww, Hobkin CUTE!
I am naught but a cat pillow, sigh. Hobkin is such a little dream.
Congrats on the interview!
Hee! Thanks!
Cat pillow, skunk pillow, species is irrelevant as long our purpose is established . . .
Awwww, that is the cutest picture. 🙂
What a sweet picture!
Cuuuuute skunk!
A skunk pillow? I dare say there are many people in the world who wish they had so much purpose to their lives! You have a reason to keep on living. You are a skunk pillow. :nods firmly:
Is very true. What greater ambition could a person have? I bet Hobkin would quite like you. You obviously have the correct sensibilities!