Serenity anticipation

Serenity tonight! We’re going to see Serenity! I’m so excited. I hope it’s good. I really want it to be good.

Writing Stuff

The editor of Apex emailed me to let me know that the issue with my interview is back from the printers and is slated for mailing out in the next day or so. Yay!

New Words: 500
On the short story.

Club 100 For Writers


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18 Responses to Serenity anticipation

  1. cricketshay says:

    You must review it after! Have fun!

  2. nmsunbear says:

    Oh, I hope you like it. I am downright desperate for it to be good.

  3. m0nkeygrl says:

    Yay for Serenity!! I’m going to the showing in Memphis tonight. I can’t wait. 😀

  4. coronalrain says:

    ohhhhhhh! so jealous! i take it you are seeing a sneak preview since i didn’t think it was supposed to come out till september?

  5. Anonymous says:

    It’s out?

    Serenity’s already out? Why haven’t I seen any commercials on it? Whedon, what are you doing???


  6. raecarson says:

    Oooh, let us know what you think of the movie!!!

  7. tripper says:

    You will now officially have to make it up to me. I am stuck packing for Border Raids tonight.

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