Watched While You Were Sleeping yesterday, a very sweet holiday romantic comedy and one of our annual favorites. Although I don’t think Sandra Bullock lived up to the potential from that early hit of hers.
Christmas shopping: now 100% done.
Wrapping: 97% done.

Writing Stuff:
Woohoo! This was a very good mail day. Not only did I get norilana‘s Dreams of the Compass Rose, but my contributor’s copies of the February 2005 issue Realms of Fantasy came in the mail as did the Winter 2004 issue of The Third Alternative! Only “Returning My Sister’s Face” is in the Feb ’05 Realms, which means I can look forward to another issue to run “The Storyteller’s Wife.”
And what has me jumping even higher with glee is that “Returning My Sister’s Face” is the FIRST story in Realms and “Running on Two Legs” is the LAST story in TTA–both honored spots. My name’s also on the cover of TTA!

Up to eighteen Critters critiques. And, for the record, none of the Critters who are on my LJ Friends List were the intended subject of my previous tirade. Y’all rock.
Word count: An editing pass on the princess fantasy and the SF story. Hacked out over 400 words on the SF story. Upon re-reading, I’m dissatisfied by the quality of my prose. It seems choppy and simplistic in many places. But I think it’s time I foist it on Matthew to get his input.
Club 100 for Writers
Squeeee for Eugie! Can’t wait to read your story in Realms!!!
that first one is a really cool cover!! Way to go!!!
Hey do the sale that one locally anywhere?
The Third Alternative is a UK mag, but I’ve hard that some Barnes & Nobles carry it. Also, Joe Muggs might have it. TTA can also be ordered directly from the publisher at their website.
Hey, Eugie. The covers are very cool. Congrats! I’ll have to check out B&N for 3rd Alternative. Now I have something to look forward to in February. It’s usually such a depressing month 🙁
Have a great holiday!
Thanks! You have a great holiday too!
Is this your first appearance in RoF?
Yepper! Very exciting it is, too!
I ordered your birthday present today. You should get it before your birthday.
Ohboyohboyohboy. A birthday prezzie for me? Wheee!