Got a rewrite request in the mail today from Leading Edge. Hot fucking damn! And it’s a very positive request, as in “provided you make this change, we would like to publish your story in our next issue.”
Woo hoo! I’m *this* close to making my first sale of the year!
*rewriting like a mad woman*
Yay Eugie!
Yay me! Finally. I was ready to chew down the mailbox, waiting for some positive news for a change!
Thanks you!
*high five from far away*
*Thwap!* :)!
Cool! Is it one of the stories you’ve crittered? Does this Leading Edge have a web page? Is it science fiction?
Oh, and what’s your view of such requests, in general? I don’t know the specifics of this one, of course, but would you do a rewrite that you thought decreased the quality of the work for a sale?
Cool! Is it one of the stories you’ve crittered?
Yep. Standard operating procedures with all my SF/F/H fiction is to run it through Critters before sending it out. It’s too valuable a step, getting feedback before I hit the markets, to skip.
Does this Leading Edge have a web page?
They’re a paper publication but they do have a website.
Is it science fiction?
Leading Edge publishes Science Fiction, but they also publish Fantasy. This particular story is Fantasy.
Oh, and what’s your view of such requests, in general? I don’t know the specifics of this one, of course, but would you do a rewrite that you thought decreased the quality of the work for a sale?
Basically editors want writers and their stories to look the best possible. It’s their profession since they, at least to some extent, make their living from doing it. My goal is to be published as a professional writer. So the way I see it, my goal and editors’ goals are in synchrony. Hence, I’m inclined to bow to their expertise. When they consider my writing worthy of paying for except for this bitty change here, then I’m all about fixing that bitty change there. The whole ego-connection thing to one’s work is all good and well, but the “integrity of the art” does the artist no good if the story ends up locked up in a desk, never to be read by anyone except a few good friends and maybe a relative or two. That’s my take on the matter.
But, having said that, if an editor suggested a change that really offended me, I’d probably pass.
Glah. Pardon the rucked up itallics.
Wow! Super-congrats! I think I’ve heard of Leading Edge…aren’t they in Utah? I always shyed away from them because they seemed like they’d take a very long time (like *cough* Realm of Fantasy *cough* who’ve had one of my stories for a year and a half, no word from them!).
Keep us posted! =)
Yep. They’re the Brigham Young University pub. My previous sub to them did take 120 days to come back to me, but they gave pretty in-depth editorial commentary. And they were really glowing about that piece so I thought I’d give them another try. The rewrite request came after only 31 days, which is pretty damn speedy in this biz.
Um, RoF lost a slew of submissions about a year and a half ago and then they got a new editorial assistant. You might consider re-subbing or querying. They’re much better about getting through the slush in a timely fashion now than they were a year ago. Hurray for the new editorial assistant!
Well done! At this rate, we may have to list you as one of‘s writer guests by 2003. Please keep up the good work!
Re: Outstanding!
Heh. I shall attempt to, certainly. Whether the editors are charitable is a whole ‘nuther matter.
Nothing to add except another congrats. It’s a great place to be, isn’t it?
Thanks! Certainly a better place than form letter smack-in-the-faces.
Rah! Way to go!
Thanks! Rah! And woo even!