Day 40: Sine Die, Callooh! Callay!

It’s Day 40, the last day of the 2010 Georgia legislative session. O frabjous day! There were vast swaths of this year where I wasn’t sure it was ever going to come, that we were trapped in some malevolent, infinitely recursive loop of never-ending, perpetual session.

There’s still today to get through, of course, and it promises to be a looong day laden with uck. But that’s okay; I brought my bunny slippers. Tomorrow it will be over, and next week I go back to a 4-day workweek.

Happy sine die.

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2 Responses to Day 40: Sine Die, Callooh! Callay!

  1. yukinooruoni says:

    “The Georgia Legislature – Möbius Stripping politics session by session!”

  2. alladinsane says:

    Could be worse…here in Mississippi there usually is at least one special session called later in the year every year(and there will be likely at least one special one this year)…

    Good to hear you’re at least done with yours!

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