Finally got to watch Pride and Prejudice, the mini-series with Colin Firth. Yup, there’s oodles of yumminess there. fosteronfilm was perplexed as to what it was I (and all the other Firth-fans) found so delectable about Mr. Darcy. I summed it up as “sexy-but-vulnerable-arrogance,” but I don’t think he gets it.
Also saw the new King Kong, courtesy Netflix, and I really liked it. When I saw it was 3+ hours, I thought I’d be clamoring “big monkey already, dammit!” through the whole beginning, but surprising myself, I thought it was well paced. The characters had depth, even (or perhaps especially) Jack Black’s, and I am Naomi Watts’s newest fan. Not only is she teh hotness, but I’m astonished how much emotion she managed to convey with so few lines. And, of course, there were indeed many excellent big monkey scenes. Although why anyone would ever want to go to Skull Island is beyond me. Giant leggy worms . . . *shudder*

Writing Stuff
It appears the Tangent forum has been discovered by spammers, and they are seriously ticking me off. There’s especially one repeat spammer who I’ve IDed and reported to their ISP’s abuse address, and he STILL keeps posting his stupid little spam links. I delete them as soon as they pop up, and I’ve asked our webmistress if there’s a way to block individual IP addresses but haven’t heard back from her yet. Anyone know of anything else I can do? Argh. So annoying.
– Contrib. copies of #292 of Ennea with “Fade to Black” in Greek in it. Rah.
– Galley proofs of “Souls of Living Wood” from William Horner for Modern Magic. Also got to see the full-sized artwork that’ll be accompanying my story, and it’s absolutely gorgeous. I don’t know if I’m allowed to display it, so if you’re curious, it’s the house illustration on the Fantasist Enterprises Modern Magic page. But bigger.
– 50-day “well received here, but . . . ” from Abyss & Apex with invite to submit again.
New words:
Zero. Zip. Nada. There’s no such thing as writer’s block. *twitch* There’snosuchthingaswriter’sblock! *pant pant pant*
The Heian Era is still very much at the forefront of my muse processes, and I’m wondering if I should just run with one of the stories ideas there instead of trying to force a folktale or novel chapter when those simply aren’t gelling right now.
I hate my muse.
Seeing your story in Greek must be fun 😉
Glad you got good artwork for “Souls of Living Wood”. It’s always amazing what other people see when they’re reading your story.
On the muse: perhaps you could let her guide you, and pick a Heian era story, instead of trying to dominate her (I know you haven’t forgiven her for turning “A Thread of Silk” into a full-blown novelette, but she’s still determined to show who’s boss 😉 )
“Seeing your story in Greek must be fun“
Oh, definitely fun. But also a bit mystifying. If they didn’t print my byline in English, I would have no idea which story/article etc. was mine.
I have difficulty imagining Jack Black having depth. It always seemed to me one could wade through his deeper thoughts without getting your ankles wet.
Totally there with you. But he was surprisingly good in this role. Think Tom Arnold in True Lies. Before I saw Arnold in that, I would’ve pegged him as being an absolutely talentless schmuck. Now I know he can pull off at least one decent role.
Actually, the acting and directing in King Kong were first rate in general.
I’m suffering right along with you.
I managed to write a paragraph this week.
…let’s say it together, “There is no such thing as writer’s block.”
Throttle the Bitch!
Spork her! Spork sporkity spork!
I’ve been a Naomi Watts fan since Tank Girl!
She was in Tank Girl? Holy moly, so she was. Now I sort of want to see it again . . .
My novel muse has been pushed aside by the short story muse, but now s.s. muse is stuck on the ending…
There might be an anti-spam component that one can incorporate into the forums, but it would take some research. And, unless Jennifer has lots of time, it’s probably more work than anyone has time for. I can speak from experience to the amount of time it takes to maintain an anti-spam system for email. I would imagine that a forum system would be worse.