- Hoped to go back to work today, but labs showed I'm extremely neutropenic and need a transfusion. Sigh. #CopingWithCancer 08:51:44, 2014-04-21
- Simply not going to be easy. Having an allergic reaction to transfusion. Just gave me IV Benadryl. Am really loopy now #CopingWithCancer 13:16:25, 2014-04-21
- The phlebotomist pulled 13 vials of blood for pretesting for my stem cell transplant. THIRTEEN. Woozy anemia paradox. #CopingWithCancer 11:06:56, 2014-04-23
- Yay! I don't need another transfusion! But my white counts are still critically low, so still can't go back to work. Sigh #CopingWithCancer 12:54:46, 2014-04-23
- So I need another platelet transfusion. >.< At least my white counts, while still low, are going up. #CopingWithCancer 09:22:49, 2014-04-25
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All joking aside, if you need blood, platelets, whatever, let me know. I can’t think of a more worthwhile road trip!