- Doctor called, biopsy results in. He wants me in the hospital today, now, to start R-ICE chemo immediately. More details as we have it. 16:48:52, 2014-04-08
- [Blog] Round 2 of Chemo, Stem Cell Transplant, and Radiation–also Dilaudid http://t.co/0hdM5Iw10f 19:44:22, 2014-04-09
- Nurse came in to ask about my "output." Illustrative of how doped up I am, my initial thought was, "My word count? Wha…?" 23:53:23, 2014-04-09
- [Blog] Round 2 of Chemo: Dilaudid, PICC Line and Port, etc. http://t.co/NcoZt2lAKD 09:14:56, 2014-04-10
- Port installation being postponed so they can release me tonight after last infusion. So I *should* still be able to make #Jordoncon! Woot! 10:20:50, 2014-04-11
- Released from the hospital! But couple hours later than original estimate. Means I must cancel out of my 10AM #JordanCon panel tomorrow. 🙁 23:52:46, 2014-04-11
- Yay, I'm at #JordanConInc! 1st panel w/ Patrick Rothfuss & Harriet McDougal *packed*. Tired, not at most articulate but so glad to be here. 13:34:53, 2014-04-12
- 2nd panel at #JordonconInc "How to Polish" fun & interesting but am bushed. Now @MatthewMFoster tucking me into couch w/TV & handful o'pills 16:24:04, 2014-04-12
- Seems the Cipro antibiotic, one of the meds I was sent home with, has blurred my vision. Can't focus on anything further than 3 feet away. 19:50:37, 2014-04-12
- Between "I can't see clearly anymore" support meds side effects & new chemo flattening me, I can't make my Sunday #JordanCon panel. Dammit. 08:56:48, 2014-04-13
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every day I say a little more, hope a little more and think a little more, and every day I hope you feel a little better…