- [Blog] Strange Bedfellows: An Anthology of Political Science Fiction http://t.co/65aUveMiIt 13:04:46, 2014-03-23
- [Blog] PET Scan Results Inconclusive: Not the results I was hoping for http://t.co/xRa09PIyTm 14:10:27, 2014-03-21
- <3 RT @BundoranPress: @canadiansuzanne Nice! Eugie has the lead story in our new anthology Strange Bedfellows. Very happy about that! 08:27:33, 2014-03-21
- RT @canadiansuzanne: Check out today's "Content Month" post: http://t.co/BnkcxjcLZM An interview with @eugiefoster 08:24:46, 2014-03-21
- Day 40: Sine Die. Last day of the GA legislative session. Got my bunny slippers. Got my red pen. Charge!! 07:49:43, 2014-03-20
- First day taking MARTA to work since I've been sick. Although @MatthewMFoster still drove me to the station. Little steps. #CopingWithCancer 07:40:34, 2014-03-19
- Last lumbar puncture chemo infusion done. Yay! Waiting the obligatory half hour prone, then going home. It's been a long day at Winship. 16:59:14, 2014-03-18
- This day has been full of waiting. Now waiting for my final lumbar puncture infusion. #NotTheBestForLast 14:27:43, 2014-03-18
- PET scan and labwork accomplished. Doctor's waiting room waiting now. PET tech said it'd be three days before scan results come in. Urk. 10:41:04, 2014-03-18
- At Winship with @MatthewMFoster, radioactive shake drunk, waiting to be PET scanned. #CopingWithCancer 08:02:55, 2014-03-18
- 300 words & full editing pass on story began this weekend: less raw, scene gap filled, zero draft solidified. A lil thing, 2.1K words total. 20:30:30, 2014-03-17
- [Blog] Wrapping Round 1, Beginning Round 2 in Kicking Cancer's Ass http://t.co/ACQrCAuyfZ 18:46:53, 2014-03-17
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Hugs and Prayers brave one.
Hope you can get some more definitive (and POSITIVE) news soon! <3